Serendipity Sunday-Angels Among Us
By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Serendipity Sunday-Angels Among UsThis is a short story. We bought our first horse trailer yesterday. The weather for the entire day was horrendous. Rain, cold, wind, totally not the kind of day you want to be picking up a large trailer and driving through rain torrents and windy roads for two hours one way. We braved most of it until we reached the last half hour of our journey home to our ranch. We're on a very narrow, two-lane "highway" (Hwy 47 going towards Mist, OR) that creeps up to an elevation of 1320 feet with sharp hairpin turns. Scary drop-offs, incredible slopes and alders that lean towards the road on the steep hillsides.Treacherous at times. We're winding up the hill and a snow plow passes on the other side. A minute later we come upon a huge tree that had JUST fallen acro...