Canadian Staging Professionals invites Toronto Real Estate Professionals to an engaging evening...
By Angela Brooks
(Certified Staging Professionals)
with keynote speakers: Sunjay Nath and Christine Rae... September 6th, 2007 - 6:30pm to 9:30pm at CSP Convention 2007 ~ Climb Every Mountain~ Move Your Team to the top 10%The 10-80-10 Principle guides people towards recognizing and developing these Top 10% behaviors and eliminating the Bottom 10% actions that block success. The 10-80-10 Principle combines best practices with small wins to help people achieve more and find balance. Since 1995, professional speaker Sunjay Nath has unlocked the benefits of the 10-80 principle for more than a half-million people. Learn how you and your real estate team can operate at this dynamic level - all the time. POWERFUL RESULTS....with Real Estate Home Staging! Increase the number of listings you secure, your annual profits and your reputati...