Speechless Sunday - Diane Say's It's Gonna be a bad Winter Thanks to These Guys
By Bob Haywood, BobHaywood.com
(McGraw Realtors)
I was working at my home office the other day when I looked out the window and noticed several "wooley worms" on our blooming vine. I don't actually know what kind of worms these guys are or even if they're guy or girl worms or caterpillars or whatever they are. When I told Diane about them, I knew exactly what she was gonig to say... "Oh, it's gonna be a bad winter, Rob!" And sure enough, that's exactly what she said! That's because she's an Indiana farm girl and she fancies herself a weather person based on signs and signals from nature. Every year, when the wooley worms show up big and fat, that's a sure sign of a bad winter to come. Sometimes she is right in her weather predictions and sometimes she isn't. But the same can be said about the weathermen in Oklahoma! Originally P...