Homestead, Edmond OK Activity Report, January 2008
By Ryan Hukill - Edmond, Realtor, Team Lead
(405home @ ERA Courtyard)
It's time for my monthly report on what's selling, what's not, and what's new on the market in Homestead. This report is designed to keep you up-to-date on inventory levels, then quarterly I break down pricing and compare it to the previous year. This combination gives me a real pulse on the health of the Homestead real estate community.You'd be amazed at how often I get asked "What did that house around the corner sell for" or "How much is that house on X street listed for?" So, I've been working on a format for this report, which will give that information and more. Hopefully, it will be a useful resource for Homestead residents, and those thinking about moving here. If you're one of those who are thinking about buying a home in Homestead, be sure to check out some of our other po...