FountainGate Estates, Edmond, OK - Lot Pricing Information
By Ryan Hukill - Edmond, Realtor, Team Lead
(405home @ ERA Courtyard)
I love it when I get calls from folks who are able to stump me! That's right, I LOVE a challenge. After all, if all I ever got were Edmond real estate questions that I had all the answers for, what fun would that be? I'd get way too comfortable and never be pushed outside my little box to learn something new, right?So, late last week I got a call from a couple looking for information on a neighborhood in Southeast Edmond that they've had trouble getting information on. In fact, they haven't even been able to get in the front gates!It's near their church and "looks like it'd be a really nice neighborhood," but they didn't even know where to start, so they went home, got online and started searching. I guess something they searched led them to my blog and next thing you know, they're call...