Asheforde Oaks, Edmond, OK - July 2007 Market Summary
By Ryan Hukill - Edmond, Realtor, Team Lead
(405home @ ERA Courtyard)
The Edmond Real Estate market keeps climbing, contrary to what many national reports would lead you to believe. We continue to see very significant signs of growth as we approach the middle of July, 2007. Last year, 2006, brought a significant rise in most areas of Edmond, Deer Creek and Oklahoma City and indicators are following suit in 2007. View the latest statistics here: (OKC Real Estate). The following chart shows statistics of homes sold specifically in the Asheforde Oaks addition, located on the Northwest corner of Coltrane & Covell, from July 12th, 2006 through July 12th, 2007 and compares these numbers with their respective numbers from 2005-2006: 2006-07 2005-06 Change Number of sales 20 29 -31.03% Years built 1991-2007 1991-2006 Largest home sold (sf) 4452 3335 Avera...