Why the Stimulus Makes this a Fantastic Time to buy Real Estate
By Vanessa V. Simmons, Realtor
(Real Living HER)
There are great incentives for first-time Columbus area real estate buyers. Big tax incentives and money put into the banking and financing industries to give buyers more availability to loans makes now the best time to move when looking for a home. This environment won't last-exactly. Some of the elements put in place are geared toward a strong future for the housing market, but many of the advantages are only good for now. Tax Relief First-time Columbus Area real estate buyers, meaning those who have not owned a home in the past three years, are eligible for a big tax break on income taxes. Next year at tax time all buyers have to do is report the new home purchase to get $8,000 dollars back. That's a big incentive. The drawback is it's only good for this year. It is retroactive to t...