Another Napoleon Ohio ASPEC Home Inspection experience
By Joshua Frederick, Home Inspector in Defiance & all of Northwest Ohio
(Home Inspector for ASPEC Residential Services, LLC)
The following excerpt was taken directly from a survey sent after a home inspection performed in Napoleon: How did you hear about us?Friend/SellerWhat did you like most about our services?"...quick on return phone calls, easy to talk to and understand. Loved the final detailed book I received in the mail. Everything was explained in detail and w/pictures. It was very helpful. Everything was done very well...much above my expectations. Great job!"Would you hire us again or recommend us to your friends/family?Yes - Napoleon Ohio resident Always extremely grateful for each & every one of our clients. Thanks so much! ASPEC Residential Services, LLC - Northwest Ohio Home Inspections Since 2007 - A local and established family-owned company specializing in comprehensive home inspecti...