Grant Run Estates (Grove City, OH)
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 5 Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes is 110 Days with the average listing price for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes being $252,840. The most expensive Grant Run Estates Grove City Home for sale is $282,500, and the cheapest Grant Run Estates Grove City Home is $199,900.View All Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Grant Run Estates Grove City, be sure to check out the links below!Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Grove City Ohio SubdivisionsMeadow Grove Estates North Grove CityAVG Price: $478,900 | AVG SQFT:4,255 | AVG $/SQFT: 115Pinnacle The Links Grove CityAVG Price: $449,900 | AVG SQFT:3,90...
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By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 8 Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes is 55 Days with the average listing price for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes being $265,987. The most expensive Grant Run Estates Grove City Home for sale is $325,000, and the cheapest Grant Run Estates Grove City Home is $199,900.View All Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Grant Run Estates Grove City, be sure to check out the links below!Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Grove City Ohio SubdivisionsMeadow Grove Estates North Grove CityAVG Price: $478,900 | AVG SQFT:4,255 | AVG $/SQFT: 115Pinnacle The Links Grove CityAVG Price: $449,900 | AVG SQFT:3,902...
Comments 3
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 7 Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes is 58 Days with the average listing price for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes being $264,529. The most expensive Grant Run Estates Grove City Home for sale is $325,000, and the cheapest Grant Run Estates Grove City Home is $215,000.View All Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Grant Run Estates Grove City, be sure to check out the links below!Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Grove City Ohio SubdivisionsMeadow Grove Estates North Grove CityAVG Price: $478,900 | AVG SQFT:4,255 | AVG $/SQFT: 115Pinnacle The Links Grove CityAVG Price: $449,900 | AVG SQFT:3,902...
Comments 1
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 7 Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes is 41 Days with the average listing price for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes being $245,020. The most expensive Grant Run Estates Grove City Home for sale is $283,737, and the cheapest Grant Run Estates Grove City Home is $189,900.View All Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Grant Run Estates Grove City, be sure to check out the links below!Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Grove City Ohio SubdivisionsMeadow Grove Estates North Grove CityAVG Price: $478,900 | AVG SQFT:4,255 | AVG $/SQFT: 115Pinnacle The Links Grove CityAVG Price: $449,900 | AVG SQFT:3,902...
Comments 3
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 5 Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes is 31 Days with the average listing price for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes being $263,958. The most expensive Grant Run Estates Grove City Home for sale is $294,475, and the cheapest Grant Run Estates Grove City Home is $227,500.View All Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Grant Run Estates Grove City, be sure to check out the links below!Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Grove City Ohio SubdivisionsMeadow Grove Estates North Grove CityAVG Price: $478,900 | AVG SQFT:4,255 | AVG $/SQFT: 115Pinnacle The Links Grove CityAVG Price: $449,900 | AVG SQFT:3,902...
Comments 2
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 5 Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes is 27 Days with the average listing price for Grant Run Estates Grove City Homes being $244,960. The most expensive Grant Run Estates Grove City Home for sale is $300,000, and the cheapest Grant Run Estates Grove City Home is $215,000.View All Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Grant Run Estates Grove City, be sure to check out the links below!Grant Run Estates Grove City Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Grove City Ohio SubdivisionsMeadow Grove Estates North Grove CityAVG Price: $478,900 | AVG SQFT:4,255 | AVG $/SQFT: 115Pinnacle The Links Grove CityAVG Price: $449,900 | AVG SQFT:3,902...
Comments 3
By Bernadine Hunter, SFR, ACRE, "Finding Solution to Your Real Estate Needs"
(Keller Williams Greater Columbus Realty)
 I received an email today from one of my lending partners detailing the pending changes in the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) disclosure requirements.Just to refresh your memory, RESPA is "the act designed to protect potential homeowners and enable them to become more intelligent consumers. It requires lenders to provide greater amounts of information to borrowers at certain points in the loan settlement process". TILA is "the federal law designed to promote the informed use of consumer credit by requiring disclosures about its terms and cost to standardize the manner in which costs associated with borrowing are calculated and disclosed."The new rule, which takes affect on August 1, 2015 consolidates four existing documents into two ne...
Comments 3
Grove City, OH Real Estate Professionals