Feng Shui In New York...We SHOULD Forgive---But Should We FORGET?
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
To Forgive is Necessary but Should we Forget? Sometimes people hurt us deliberately. Often times it is not deliberate but they may still have wounded us in some way. Forgiving can be a difficult process to work through. In the beginning we often sit around and wonder WHY. Or how COULD they do that to me? It can eat away at your heart, your mind and your soul. While forgiving someone can be difficult, I have long believed it is an act done for US more then for THEM. It releases us and sets us free to stop thinking about a sad and hurtful situation-AND the person that created it. But I have long wondered (and still do at times) if we should FORGET. If we all have lessons to learn in this life then the act of Forgetting may well make us forget the lesson-and we are bound to repeat i...