Why Even Bother Dating? -
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Why Even Bother Dating? I had this conversation with a new client about a week ago in Brooklyn NY. The topic of partnership came up, which is always a hot topic of discussion with feng shui. She has been dating for years but is yet to connect with a meaningful partner. Time and time again, you will hear this, not only in feng shui, but in practical approaches to manifesting a great connection with another person. Take a look in the mirror,reflect on your daily thoughts about yourself, towards others and self actions and there you will find great insight to why one keeps looping or falling into the same dating pit of nonsense. During our conversation I would say at least 5-7 times she kept saying, ‘why even bother dating, we really don’t need men.’ She followed those comments wit...