Feng Shui Tip - How To Recognize Sha Energy
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
The Feng Shui principles evaluate energy through various observations that can be classified as Shen, Sha, or Suu Chi. For this particular post, we are referring to Sha chi - life-draining energy, and how to recognize it.One of the most common ways in how you can introduce yourself to recognizing Sha chi is by avoiding too many designs that have a sharp 90-degree angle, and/or leaving items out on display that can literally pinch, prick, or cut you. The image you see above is a picture of the Cholla (Choy-ya) Cactus. It’s common sense why you would not want to be near or touch these cactus spines.Looking to the interior of your home with how to recognize Sha chi, you could start by observing any protruding wall edge that faces toward your front door (or any doorway), your bed, and/or de...