Back To FSBO Tips - Next Page On the average, owner NET 3% to 5% less when selling their own homes.That's 3% to 5% less than selling through a Realtor and paying the commission!Owner Accept LessDirect buyers expect and intent to pay less.Owners Pay for All AdvertisingAn added expense normally covered by a Realtor.It Usually Takes Owners Longer to Get a SaleResulting in extra taxes, interest, utilities, insurance OR travel and hotel/apartment rent OR"Cost of Waiting."Owners Usually Pay Higher Attorney Fees... Even if the Sales Don't Go ThroughWhen sold through a Realtor - an attorney checks our work. When sold by owner- attorney does the work and bills accordingly.Adavntages Of Using A Professional Real Estate Agent.A Realtor...* will help you net more money * helps protect your fam...