Proposed Garbage Transfer Station (Deer Park, NY)
By Greg Flanagan, CEO/Founder
( Real Estate )
947.6 in reply to 947.4 Although no longer a resident of Deer Park or New York State I'm asking you all for a little help on this project:If you are still a NYS resident, in any way or form, or know people who would be interested who live in NYS:Here is something everyone should consider doing if you want to help stop them from building another facility that would bring in about 600 or so more trucks a day, and who knows what sort of materials parked along the DP portion of the LIRR sidings. The freight lines do not have to even listen to local rules, for the most part they operate under the surface transportation board (STB) regulations and only the federal government can make changes. Anything that interferes with commerce is usually not even considered.So why would we want to let the...
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Deer Park, NY Real Estate Professionals