Is this a good time to buy a Jersey Shore beach home?
By Ian Lazarus CRS, Jersey Shore 2nd Home & Retirement Specialist
(Shore Points Realty)
CHECK THIS FIRST LINK TO READ THE ORIGINAL BLOG POST ON This blog post for September 10, 2011 was to a question posed to me the other day asking is this a good time to buy a shore property? Let’s start out with some background by saying I worked with my first real estate company in Atlantic City in the spring of 1985. During that time the market at The Jersey Shore was showing signs of topping out and starting to rollover. The Atlantic City real estate market was being fueled by the massive speculation of gambling and was still on a tear because casinos and investors were still buying the dream. Also in this time period new high rise condos were being brought to market by some out of the area real estate developers that were probably late to the party but were in no ...