
Medford Township, NJ Real Estate News

I recently had someone ask a question about the Highbridge Development in Medford, NJ.  The question went like this.  Is there something wrong with Highbridge?  I notice that the homes listed for sale are not selling? Here is the response that I shared.  Even thought I am discussing a development in Medford, NJ, the same is true in many other parts of the country. One of the areas that were hit hardest by the recent housing down turn is luxury housing. Luxury housing is described as homes which require a mortgage above $400,000. These homes typically have lost the most value and have a smaller set of potential buyers. Many home buyers who would be able to afford these homes are currently unemployed or under employed. Add to that the fact that many home sellers are still under the impre...
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By Janet Larsen, Don't Just List Your Home, SELL IT!
(REMAX Community)
Choose the right Realtor when seaching for homes!  Janet Larsen is a full time top producing agent in Burlington, Camden and Gloucester County and has access to not only the local MLS but properties that are for sale before they come onto the market and post to  It is essential to find an experienced agent that can negotiate and work for YOU on your behalf.  Even in a tough real estate market, Janet has consistently been recognized by the NJ Association of Realtors and received the Circle of Excellence Award for 7 consecutive years as well as ranking in the top 50 in the State of all 3,600 Remax Agents. Go ahead and talk to other Realtors, then call Janet Larsen and work exclusively with her to see any home out there.  You will see, feel and know the difference! www.njrealt...
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By Lawrence Yerkes, Broker Associate, Southern New Jersey Real Estate Services
(RE/MAX Preferred)
The township of Medford will celebrate it's 20th annual Dickens Festival, Saturday, Dec. 5th.  LOCATION:  MAIN STREET (ROUTE 541) MEDFORD, NJ EVENT DATE:  SATURDAY DECEMBER 6, 2008, 6:00 PM - 9:30 PMRAIN DATE:  SUNDAY DECEMBER 7, 2008, 3:00 PM - 6:30 PMSponsored by the , it's the official Medford start to the Holiday season! Kicking off the festival will be a tree lighting ceremony in the Main Street Gazebo at 18 North Main Street at 6:15 p.m. with events taking place continously throughout the evening.Area residents and visitors are encouraged to stroll through Medford's historic village and into the past to experience an 18th Century Dickens' Village lined with dimly lit lampposts, quaint shops trimmed with twinkling lights and dressed for the holidays.   Plus, a live Nativity at Toml...
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By Bob Basmajian, Home Loans-NMLS# 557858
(Prosperity Home Mortgage)
The $8000.00 Federal Tax Credit for 1st time home buyers has done for the most part what it was suppose to, help boost housing sales in a lack luster housing market. With the expiration date of 11/30/09 on the horizon I am seeing last minute applications from 1st home buyers coming in at an alarming rate. Are we setting proper expectations with their buyers by informing them that due to the amount of incoming loan applications and current processing times, there is a chance that they may not be able to close their 1st time home buyers loan by the deadline...or are we just keeping our fingers crossed that the government will extend or expand this $8000.00 credit. My personal opinion is if the government wants to keep the real-estate market moving in a forward direction they are almost fo...
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Yesterday I was speaking with another agent in my office about negotiating, and the topic of silence came up.  This is one of the true secrets of success in face to face negotiations.  The secret is that after you have stated your case and asked for what you want, Shut Up.  I've often read, and seen in practice, that the first one to speak after an offer in made loses.  Sometimes I'm amazed at the power of this technique.  I was speaking to a potential seller about a property that I was considering purchasing earlier today, and after he stated his asking price I just stayed quite.  After a few moments, without me saying a word, he was defending the price, and actually lowered it on the spot.  This isn't the first time that I've experienced this, but it still amazes me how this simple te...
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By Bridget Cella, e-Pro, Realtor
(Re/Max Connection)
  MEDFORD NEWS RELEASE IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                 FROM:  THE DEPT. OF RECREATION                                        DATE:  7/8/2009   Family Fun Day at Fort Medford Playground on July 18th   On Saturday, July 18th make plans to join in the fun and also support a wonderful cause by attending the Family Fun Day at Fort Medford Playground located in Bob Meyer Park. The event will take place from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm with all proceeds going to help build the planned 100% handicapped accessible playground addition to Fort Medford.     For the past year dedicated members of the Fort Medford Playground Committee have been working diligently to raise the funds necessary to build this special playground designed for both children and a...
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As a continuation of yesterday's post, today I'm going to cover the basic things that a home seller should do to prepare for negotiating the sale of their home. 1.  First the seller should figure out what their bottom line is.  What is the minimum that they would take for the home and still net the amount of money that they truly need.  This should always be decided up front because it is when the seller is thinking most rationally , and not yet caught up in the drama of the negotiating process. 2.  Then the seller should determine the market value of their home.  This should be done with their agent by looking at comparable sales in the area.  At this point it is important to set a high, but realistic goal.  You don't want to give the home away, but you do want a price that will attrac...
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As promised, I'm going to spend a little time blogging about negotiating the sale or purchase of a home.  I think that the first and most important tip that I can give is to be prepared.  I know that this sounds like common sense, but I can't tell you how often I'm involved in negotiations with people who clearly have not done their homework.  Let's take a quick look at what the buyer should do to prepare for the negotiating process: Buyer Negotiation Preparation: 1.  The very first thing that a buyer should do is to know what they can afford.  This entails getting pre-approved by a reputable mortgage lender.  Often times I've seen buyers enter into negotiations on a home that they truly cannot afford, and this is just a waste of everyone's time and effort. 2.  The buyer should also edu...
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I was speaking with a client of mine this afternoon about negotiating an offer for a home purchase, and it occurred to me that this is a topic that I have neglected to post on my blog.  I believe that negotiating a one of the most important aspects of my job when working with both buyers and sellers.  I'm not sure if it would be completely fair to call myself an expert negotiator, but I have been negotiating for a living since 2001 and I have also studied negotiations on a graduate level while earning my Master's degree in Real Estate at Texas A&M University.  I don't often like to sing my own praises, but this is one area of my job that I believe I'm particularly good at.  With that being the case, I will be writing a few posts on the topic of negotiations in the upcoming weeks.  Pleas...
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I had the pleasure today of listing the home of a good friend of mine.  I say it was a pleasure because it's great to go to a listing presentation and know that the person that I'm talking to trusts me and knows that I'm looking out for his or her best interest.  Now I'm always honest with potential clients, but I can often tell that they're wondering if I'm really looking out for their best interest.  This usually becomes most evident when we talk about pricing their home.  I strongly believe that if my client is truly interested in selling, they should select a price very close to the market value, as seen by the most recent comparable sales.  This will attract the largest number of potential buyers, and therefore increases the chance of a strong offer.  When I explain this to many of...
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By Scott Shapiro
(Village Home Mortgage)
  Nothing is more frustrating as a mortgage loan consultant than competing with someone who is obviously being dishonest with their potential borrowers.  I cannot imagine sleeping at night, if I knew that I was lying through my teeth when speaking to customers.  Today, I was reminded of this when I potentially lost a deal I had been working on for a few weeks because I was told my costs and rates did not compare favorably with that of another lender.  While I am not here to tell you that all companies offer the same rates and costs, I am here to tell you that no one can offer 5.25% right now with 0 points and that every bank or broker is making money off your purchase or refinance.  More than a handful of borrowers have come back to me after they thought they were getting a better deal ...
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As always, feel free to contact my team at with any questions regarding Medford, Westampton, or any Southern New Jersey Real Estate. 7.) Home ownership builds equity Some people just don’t have the discipline to set aside money each month to save and invest. In this case, a home is more than a shelter, it acts as sort of an automatic savings account. You can build your savings in two ways: First, each month a portion of your payment goes towards the principal to build equity in your home. In the early years of the mortgage, most of your payment goes towards interest. Over time however, that turns around and your equity growth begins to accelerate. Second, U.S. home prices have always appreciated over the long term. Average appreciation on a home is 5-6 percent annu...
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By Janet Larsen, Don't Just List Your Home, SELL IT!
(REMAX Community)
Full Service, Fulltime, Top Producing Agent in Burlington, Camden and Gloucester County gets results!  Why hire a For Sale By Owner Company, and sacrafice service.  In most cases, your home sits on the market for 6 months after you've already paid them a flat fee up front! Janet Larsen will market your home to maximize the exposure!  I don't get paid unless your home sells!  Janet has a proven track record and has been a full time Realtor for over 8 years.  My clients refer me time and time again to their friends and family so they know they are getting an honest, hardworking, top negotiator working for them!  Clients feel safe with Janet.  2003-2008 NJ Association of Realtors Circle of Excellence Award 2005-2008 Remax 100% Club Award 2008 3rd and 4th Quarter Super Performer Award from ...
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By Janet Larsen, Don't Just List Your Home, SELL IT!
(REMAX Community)
Full Service, Fulltime, Top Producing Agent in Burlington, Camden and Gloucester County gets results!  Why hire a For Sale By Owner Company, and sacrafice service.  In most cases, your home sits on the market for 6 months after you've already paid them a flat fee up front! Janet Larsen will market your home to maximize the exposure!  I don't get paid unless your home sells!  Janet has a proven track record and has been a full time Realtor for over 8 years.  My clients refer me time and time again to their friends and family so they know they are getting an honest, hardworking, top negotiator working for them!  Clients feel safe with Janet.  2003-2008 NJ Association of Realtors Circle of Excellence Award 2005-2008 Remax 100% Club Award 2008 3rd and 4th Quarter Super Performer Award from ...
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By Lawrence Yerkes, Broker Associate, Southern New Jersey Real Estate Services
(RE/MAX Preferred)
Medford will be hosting it's annual "Blast from the Past" on Saturday, May 16th.  It was a great success last year.   This event provides everyone a chance to shop and eat in Medford and enjoy live entertainment ... and, of course, enjoy the fabulous custom cars and trucks that will be lining Main Street. If you have a classic car and would like to participate, click here for the registration form to enter your vehicle.  Time: 10:00am - 4:00 pm For some pictorial highlights from last year's event:Blast from the Past - Classic Car Show - 2008  Copyright 2009 by Lawrence Yerkes. All Rights Reserved.  Home | NJ Search | Sell | Buy | Rent | Relocate | Resources | Contact Me | Commercial 
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By Larry Bailey
(American Financial Resources, Inc.)
Thu, Mar 12 - 5:00 PM ET Market Wrap: Our benchmark 4.5% mortgage bond rallied for the 2nd consecutive day gaining 22bp to close at $101.19 while the stock market enjoyed its first 3-day rally since Jan. 26-28. The day's news drove both markets higher for different reasons. For bonds, mixed economic news and a successful $11 billion auction in re-opened 30-year Treasury bonds led the way higher. Retail Sales initially weighed on bond prices following a stronger than expected reading of -0.1% in February vs. a consensus estimate for a -0.4% drop. Also, January's Retail Sales were revised to a higher 1.8% gain from an initially reported gain of 1.0%. After factoring out the effect of declining auto sales, Retail Sales had a gain of 0.7% vs. a forecast of 0.2% for February. However, weekly...
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By Larry Bailey
(American Financial Resources, Inc.)
Fri, Feb 13 - 4:24 PM ET Market Wrap: Our benchmark 4.5% FNMA bond struggled with a lower volume holiday trading day and lost 28bp to close at $100.62. Traders didn't have much to focus on other than to watch the progress of the 'Financial Stability Plan' in Congress. The $787 billion bill passed the House by a partisan vote of 246 to 183 just after the bond market closed. No Republicans voted for the massive spending measure and the Senate is expected to vote on the bill this evening. The day's only economic report saw consumer confidence eroding in February with a reading of 56.2 vs. a consensus of 61.5. The expectations index, which predicts the direction of consumer spending six months from now, fell to 49.1 from 57.8 in January, the lowest it has been since 1980. However, the curre...
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By Larry Bailey
(American Financial Resources, Inc.)
Fri, Feb 13 - 4:24 PM ET Market Wrap: Our benchmark 4.5% FNMA bond struggled with a lower volume holiday trading day and lost 28bp to close at $100.62. Traders didn't have much to focus on other than to watch the progress of the 'Financial Stability Plan' in Congress. The $787 billion bill passed the House by a partisan vote of 246 to 183 just after the bond market closed. No Republicans voted for the massive spending measure and the Senate is expected to vote on the bill this evening. The day's only economic report saw consumer confidence eroding in February with a reading of 56.2 vs. a consensus of 61.5. The expectations index, which predicts the direction of consumer spending six months from now, fell to 49.1 from 57.8 in January, the lowest it has been since 1980. However, the curre...
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By Larry Bailey
(American Financial Resources, Inc.)
Fri, Feb 13 - 12:00 PM ET JPMorgan halts new mortgage foreclosures. Will not out new mortgages into foreclosure for 3 weeks. Believes 3 weeks adequate for Treasury to announce a new mortgage modification plan. MBS trade back to flat and will close at 2:00pm ET. Stocks lower and will close normal time today at 4:00pm ET.
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By Larry Bailey
(American Financial Resources, Inc.)
  Current Trend Direction: Sideways Risks favor: Bias Towards Locking  Current Price of FNMA 4.5% Bond: $100.75, -16bp Bond prices are trading lower so far today on this shortened holiday session that will see the Bond markets close at 2:00pm ET.  On Monday, President's Day, both the Stock and Bond markets will be closed.  Market action could be choppy today, as Wall Street starts to clear out early for the three day weekend.  Our next Daily Update will be on Tuesday February 17.  Stock markets were plunging yesterday, but rallied at the close to near unchanged after Reuters reported that the Obama administration is trying to hammer out a new program to subsidize mortgages to fight the credit crisis.  The plan would seek to help homeowners before they fall into arrears on their loans.  ...
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