Wordless Wednesdays - Can one say affection & love on Valentine's Day?
By Jeff Belonger, The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
( Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc)
The adorable twins, Ava and Joey, on Valentine's Day. They will be 3 years old on April 11th. Yes, I know, they are my niece and nephew.. and we all love our kids, nieces, nephews, and or grand-kids. But I really love these two.. they have so much energy and I truly think they are both really cute. (If any of you follow my Wednesday or Sunday posts, many times, these two are all over them. I was talking to my mom tonight on the phone, thanking her for this picture. She tells me that Ava doesn't stop talking now. I said, yes, that is true. But remember, 8 months ago and she was never talking... lol These two are so good to each other, you just wonder what they will be like when they get older, when they enter high school. Anyhoo... enjoy this precious picture. Uncle Jeff out... My ...