Military Discounts Available....Just Ask by Leander McClain, Realtor
By Leander McClain, Cecil & Harford County Realtor
Military Discounts Available.....Just Ask by Leander McClain, Realtor My fellow Veterans, Thank YOU for your service to OUR Country. Serving in the military is not always an easy thing to do. Whether you are active duty or reservist, the same applies. All vets typically miss many birthdays, anniversaries, little league games, school plays, etc. These thing are missed as the vet is serving to keep our country safe and free. A number of companies offer discounts as their way of saying Thank You For Your Military Service. Many times, all you have to do is ask. Below is a list of discounts which may be available. If a discount is not available at one store, don't be afraid to ask at another store. I know for a fact that my local Lowe's offers a military discount but Home Depot does not...