
Claremont, NH Real Estate News

By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! The New Hampshire regular firearms deer season had gotten underway, this last Wed. the 12 of Nov. was opening day. Most of the estimated 60,000 deer hunters in New Hampshire, go afield during this season, which will run through the 7th. of December. Wildlife Management, Unit A up in the northern part of the State. Will close on 30 of Nov. For many New Englanders, this here season represents a traditional opportunity to get together with family and friends. To enjoy our bountiful resources and to put meet in their freezer before the onsof our long winter. Happy and safe Hunting to all I hope you and your family always have a fun and safe day! When buying a home in Sullivan County, New Hampshire, o...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! I'd like to start out by say-en, Thank you to all my friends. And all the Active Rain members!! For helpen me find the pot of gold of 200,000 Points   Will folk's, I have to tell ya. I'm really not the kind of guy, that likes writing about him self. When this here post is posted I'll be over the 200,000 mark. I sure have been enjoying playing in the rain But my good friend Carl  in the Grand State of Texas told me, that I should be sure to write a post about get-ten to that there 200,000 mark. So here I am writing about it. Now how did I make it to that there mark. In less than two year's of being a member of the Active Rain Real Estate Blogging Community. Will lets see. I've made a lot of friend's...
Comments 57
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home!   Are you and the family wanting something to do on the 15 of Nov.?   If so, why not go to the Claremont Opera house to see 1964 The Tribute. The Rolling Stone Magazine calls their show the Best Beatle Tribute on earth. 1964 Tribute         They’ll take you on a journey back in time. A moment in time that will live forever in music history.       The Beatles arrive at JFK           To the year 1964 when The Beatles first came to the U.S., to be on the Ed Sullivan Show on 9 February 1964. They estimated that 73 million folk’s watched that show. 1964 The Tribute will have you feeling as if you are seen a live concert. They play instruments from that time period, they wear the same kind of clothing,...
Comments 7
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Folk's and Family's of Claremont and Charlestown: Why not take in a show at the Newport Opera House, like Night Must Fall. The Emyly Williams classic old British murder mystery. This classic psychological thriller is comeing to the Newport Opera House stag. With a cast of community players, that will create a suspenseful evening thats going to keep you and your family wondering. Just who did it and just who can you trust. It sure will be a fun felled evening for you and your family. The Show starts on Friday 14 Nov. At 8:00 P.M. Then on Saturday, 15 Nov. you could go to the Dinner Theatre Presentation that starts at 6:00 P.M. Or the regular theatre that will start at 8:00 P.M. I hope you and your f...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
  Dear President-elect Sen. Obama First I'll give ya my  on being elected our Nation's 44th. President yesterday. Even though I did not and could not vote for you sir, but my lady did. You see Mr. Obama, I'm a Proud U.S. Navy Warhorse Veteran. I can not vote for anyone that has not ever served in our Nation's Military. I truely believe in order for the President of our Nation to be called Commander-in-Chief of our Nation, and to make decision's that affect our Nation's Militery, Men, Women, and their family's. That person needed to have walked in the same boot's as they do. Being a Veteran and Proud American, I'll stand behind and stand up for you as our Nation's President. If the need would ever arise, I'll even be prepared to give my life to defend and protect you and your family, fr...
Comments 32
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                              Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry Free Home!   So you are preparing to make the decision to buy a home Your decision of buying a home is going to be one of the most important – and very exciting decisions, you and your family will ever face. When making the actual decision and starting the very process may feel very overwhelming to you as a First Time Home Buyer because of all the emotional reactions and the financial consequences of buying a home. Now before you rush out to start looking for the home that’s just right for you and your family, be sure to take a little time to evaluate your motives for buying a home honestly. Does buying your first home at this time really fit your personal situation, or are you wanting to keep up with your...
Comments 9
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                                Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home!   If you and your family have decided that you are ready to think about buying a home, then you need to gather a lot more information of buying a home. Most of your final decisions will be based on just how well – or poorly, you really prepared to make the purchase of a home. Here are some steps that can help you focus on what you’re wanting to do.   You are going to want, to analyze your family’s current income and budget. Your finances will always dictate what kind of home you can buy. If you have not been using a personal budget, then now is really the time to start using one. Start out by, asking yourself these questions. ·         Just how much do we currently spend on our housing, utilit...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Be sure to do your homework and make premature decisions Ask your Agent lots of question's about homes that are for sale in the area you and your family are going to be looking to buy in. When it comes to your Home Inspection Day. Be sure to ask your Home Inspector, lots of question's about the home. Your Home Inspector will be glad to answer any and all question's you may have about the home. When you go house hunting before you have done your homework, it can end-up leading to problems. You may see a home that you think at first glance seems to really fit all your family's criterias for your home. You mentally move yourself and your family in to the home, and even sign a contract on the home. The...
Comments 4
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Things that are going on for the month of November 2008, in Charlestown, New Hampshire Sat. 1, At 5:00 P.M. Theres going to be a Turkey Supper at the Senior Center. Sun. 2. Daylight Savings Time comes to a end. We need to set our clocks back Sat. night berfore we go to bed. Mon. 3, The Finance committee will be meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the lower level of Town Hall. Tue. 4 Election Day is here, You can vote in the lower level of Town Hall, untill 7:00 P.M. Wed. 5, At 7:00 P.M. the Slectboard well be meenting. At the Bakery Building. Thu. 6, At 6:30 P.M. the Rotary Club well be meeting at Town Hall./ The Lion's Club at 7:00 P.M. at Town Hall. Fri 7, and Sat. 8, The Senior Center will be holding their ...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
  Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! I know just about everyone gets E-Mail's. Ask-en ya to help these low down snakein the grass. To move money from their Country, to ours. Or they say that they have a Urgent Business Proposal for ya. How about the ones that say, your e-mail won the prize, or you have won some lotto in another Country. That ya did-en even enter. Then there are those right here in our own Country that send E-Mail's saying there is something worng with a Bank Account. Most likely you have never even had an with that Bank. I got one last year telling me there was something worgng with my Business Account, that I needed to go to the Banks website to fix it. I did have an Account with that Bank. But my Business Account is not with them. So I pri...
Comments 28
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Do not skip the mortgage preapproval process The mortgage preapproval today is a lot more than just a fact-finding investigaten. A preapproval and a prequalification is a very necessary part of your home buying process. They don't only help you to avoid buying a lot more home than you really can afford, they also help you when it comes time to make a offer on a home. They add strngth to your offer for that new home, you and your family like.                         Copyright 1994-2008 All Rights Reserved I hope you and your family always have a fun and safe day! This posting and the contents that are written here are the intellectual property of Baker Home Inspection and Consulting. All views and...
Comments 12
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Be sure you are woking with a Real Estate Agent that represents you and your family. Make certain that the Agent you have decided to work with is really going to represent you and not the Home Seller. Really look in to exactly what the Agent does for Home Buyers and where the Agent's loyalty really lies. A listing Agent owes their allegiance to the Seller, and if you go off and contact that Agent, you cannot expect, or even get impartial representation of your interests in buying a home. Do not even think about representing yourself, you really lack the leverage to negotiate a favorable deal. Plus you are not going to have the advantage of an Agent's analysis of the market in your area a the realis...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Don't let yourself and family become house poor. If you buy a home that eats up most all of your family's income, this will only lead to a lot of stress your way. Your home may very will look beautiful to folk's from the outside, what about the inside of your home. Is it bleak because you and your family cannot really afford to furnish it to look just as nice. If you end up extending yourself to your financial limits, you could very will become very vulnerable if for some reason your income level ends up changing. Always be sure to buy a home that is really within your means. Don't let anyone talk you into buying a home for what you have been fully preapproved for.             Copyright 1994-2008 A...
Comments 25
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Be sure you are not setting unrealistic goals for you and your family. When looking for a home to buy. Sometimes First Time Home Buyers will wait for their most perfect dream home to come along. That one home that meets each and everyone of their wants and needs. This will only lead you to passing up perfectly acceptable homes, to end up settling finally. From exhaustion or just plain impatience of wanting to buy a home. To only end up with one that really meets few of your real requirements. What can be even more disheartening to you, when waiting for that perfect home you have pictured for you and your family to live in. The market could very will start to climb and force you to select a home t...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Home Heating System No matter what part of the Country you are looking to buy your home in. Homes used year around will have a heating system in them. The heating system need to help keep you and your family comfortably warm during the winter months of the year. You need and want to know whether the heating system is going to adequately heat your home on those cold days. So you will want the heating sysem to be assesses if it's sufficient to heat your home. You'll also want to know the age of the heating system, if the heating system is outdated, whether it is going to need replacement soon, whether there are any hazardous conditions going on with the system. This boiler has a Asbestos cover on it....
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! You should not bypass having a Home Inspection A first time home buyer will often resisit spending the money to have a Certified Professional Home Inspector look over the home they are buying. This is a very dangerous thing to do. You are running the risk of missing potentially dangerous defects or very expensive repairs in the home you are wanting to buy, for you and your family to live in. A professional home inspection thats going to only cost a few hundered dollars is not a extravagant expense, when you are considering one of the most expensive investments you and your family will ever make. This is a bad Floor Joist                     Copyright 1994-2008 All Rights Reserved I hope you and you...
Comments 19
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
        The friendship ball is circler and it does not have any beggining or end to it. Just like the circle of friends, it keeps us together. You see having a circle of friends is a true treasure in deed. Never turn your back to your friends. Well yesterday I got an E-Mail from a very good friend, by the name Ricki Eichler , now for those of ya folk's that may not know her. Ricki sure is a really nice young lady, that is always willing to give a helppen hand to others. Ricki also has a really nice husband by the name of Don who is also a fine member of the Active Rain community. Eveyone when ever you see a post by them be sure to stop to visit with them. You won't be sorry that you did. Youll sure be in for some really good reading and learning. Ricki Don Ricki Thank you for being a r...
Comments 28
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! You need to learn as much about the home market in your area as you can! When you are 100% ready to make an offer on the home you want to buy, you want to do some advance preparation. You want to gather jusy as much information as you can about the home, the neighborhood it's in, and about the seller of the home. This information will help you with negotiating the price of the home. It's especially helpful to you to find out why the seller is selling the home. Does the seller have to sale. Is he or she moving out of town, or maybe they have suffered some financial setback, or does the seller want to sale for other reasons. If you have gotten yourself a Buyers Agent, he or she can help you get tha...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free home! Your Real Estate Agent should run a CMA for you. ( Comparative Market Analysis ) The CMA should provide you with information about the homes that are being compared, like the square footage, the number of bedrooms and baths, the listing price and the selling price. Be sure that your Agent is only investigates the homes that are similar to the home you are wanting to buy. It does you no good to compar a three - bedroom, with two-bath home to your four-bedroom, with only one bath home selction is really of little value to you. A CMA that shows properties from a neighborhood four or five miles away is also of little value to you. Your CMA report should list the sales of similar homes in the immediat...
Comments 10
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                                                                       Knowledg is the Power for Your Freedom to a Worry Free Home! Property/Neighborhood Features Checklist   Use this checklist to ensure that you are aware of all features that, Claremont; New Hampshire has to offer you and your family!   If you and your family are new to the area. Your Real Estate Agent should be willing to help you with this info. Better yet your Agent should have a Homebuyer’s package made up to give you.   Stores/Shopping: Nearby Mall:       Supermarket:       Banks:       Post Office:       Video Rental Store:       Liquor Store:       Specialty Shopping (e.g., Farmers’ Market, Organic Store):           Geting around town: At this time you won't find any bus routes or train stations in Claremont. Th...
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