When Relocationing To Missouri-ah How will ya know country folks
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Blog Owner You are always welcome to visit By the time we compete the Inspection, you will know the Home or Commercial Property better than the owner does! Post 490 See that I'm a country cowboy from Missourah . I can tell ya how too! Be sure to visit and wakeup to Missouri, you won't be sorry you did! First off country folks, know Missouri is pronounced with an ah at the end of it. We think deer season is a National Holiday. We know what and where Party Cove is. We know what's knee-high by the Fourth of July. We measur distance in minutes. We know Jesse James was a hero. And don't ya say he ain't! Little smokies are something we serve on special occasions. We know all four seasons, Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer, and construction. We faild...