
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We only had 6 closings this week (compared to 18 last week but there were some blizzard days in there), in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 66 (by far the best I’ve seen all year).The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were only 6 homes sold in this limited category and I’m throwing one sale out of the statistics because it was on the market a whopping 768 days having been listed 4 consecutive times before selling at $48.75sq’. The most expensive h...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Take note of that bottom line, it says -8 degrees and the top line shows the time, 6:34 AM. The HH stands for High Humidity and that means thick frost on the car windows. Currently it's -11 at 8:40 AM and our high temp for the day is forecast to be -7 degrees in Minot ND. This is actual temps, wind chill is not figured in. We are to expect this for several days. Baby it's cold outside. The heck with fashion, bundle up and stay healthy.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We have had so much snow in North Dakota in the last 10 days we have been on the prime time National News.The first snow we had last week was 10" of very heavy snow due to the warm temps. The second snow was much lighter but with the up to 50mph wind gusts we had some very tall drifts.Even if you own a snow thrower you still end up doing some shoveling in tighter spaces.I have a question for the Minot Street Department,WHERE ARE THE SNOW GATES???Snow gates are an attachment to the road grader blades that the operater of the grader can drop so you do not end up with the big rock hard ridge of snow at the end of your driveway.Even on a single wide driveway this can be back breaking work for a fit young man (which leaves me out). This ridge can even be hell on most snow throwers because it...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Tonight Minot ND is getting hit by our 2nd winter storm of the year and also the 2nd storm with-in a week.Less than a week ago we received about 20 inches of some very heavy snow. It was back breaking to shovel and the City Street Department still has not completely caught up. It's very hard for them to do their job when cars are parked in the street and it's vary hard for those same cars to get out of the street when they get buried by both the 20" of snow and then the hard bank of snow surrounding the car that the plow left from going around it. My simple tip is that if you can possibly park off street during a winter storm warning do so. Whether you can park off street of not it's also a good idea to be sure your car is NOT facing into the wind.  Tonight's storm is reported to have w...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Yesterday was Realtor Ring Day for The Minot Association Of Realtors. It's a day I really look forward to. It's only two hours standing in the (heated) entry way of a grocery store ringing the bell for Salvation Army.I decided I'd do a video this year for my blogging friends.I set up the camera and (I thought) I had the camera running. Ooops, I blew it!Oh well, at least I got a couple of still shots.As usual the two hours flew by as Brett Spangler and I rang the bells. Many old friends filed by as well as a couple hundred people I don't know. Standing out in public ringing the bell for the Salvation Army is an experience everyone should have. It's a great lesson/reminder NOT to prejudge people. Some folks I may have judged by appearance to be destitute or even druggies put $5.00 or $10....
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I knew this week would look good on paper after a 3 day week last week (due to Thanksgiving). We had 18 closings this week (compared to 3 last week), in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 120 (a better number than the 134 days of last week).The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 18 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $418,000. and it was on the market for 102 days. The least expensive home sold for $88,000. and ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I hope you enjoy the short video as much as we enjoy our decorated office. Each year my kids and I decorate the office on the Friday after Thanksgiving. This year Tina was unavailable so it was just Timmothy and I, the Timm boys.I have a confession to make, every Christmas decoration in my office is a decoration my Bride ordered out of the house.Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Are There Any Dojos In Minot?I will be the 1st to admit when a client asked me this I had NO clue as to what he was asking.I pondered the question for a moment... was doh as in Doe, a deer? or was it dough as indough as in Joe's bakery?I asked again just in case I misunderstood the question. Nope... it was still doh. The only doh I was sure it wasn't was slang for Joe's International bank. OK, I was stumped so I swallowed my pride and asked... in Homer Simpson style... Doh! what are you talking about?A Dojo is a place where they practice martial arts. My client has a young son who is just about to get his black belt and when they move here he wants to be sure he can find a place to continue his learning.Minot ND has 3 dojos. They are:A T A Martial ArtsFountain Of Youth School Of Tai Chi...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
This is my favorite Listing photo and you can see from the date stamp that it's a listing I had some time ago. This photo and the memories it brings to mind fills me with "warm fuzzies".It's easy to see this is not the fanciest, most expensive, or grandious listing I've ever had. It's a modest home with no garage, well kept, and at the time home to a 80 something year old couple. Gus was a retired Sargent with no other income than his military retirement. His Bride Jane had always been Gus's wife and never held a job outside of the home. They were just very kind people, thankful for what they had, and generous as they could be.Gus and Jane were ready to move on, I don't remember why/where they were moving to but they were so kind to me and grateful that I would help them sell their home...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
They are talking about 18" to 24" before it's over! We are in the middle of a winter storm here in Minot ND, the 1st of this season. Technically it's not a "winter" storm as winter does not officially start until December 21st and this is also not a blizzard because the temperature is to high to qualify. In one major way it's worse than a blizzard, that being with the temp being near 30 degrees this snow has a very high moisture content making it extremely heavy to shovel and it's also a crushing weight to sit on any roof. This is a 3 day storm and we are in day 2 at this time. Amazingly enough they have not called school off. I think they are endangering our children by not doing so but what do I know? 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We only had 3 closings this short holiday week (compared to 11 last week), in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Keep in mind that the title company was closed yesterday which left us with only 3 days to report. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 134 (a huge increase over the 96 days of last week).The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 3 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $253,183. and it was on the market for 110 days. The least expensive home ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
There are a lot of good ministries out there, hundreds of them, maybe even thousands.I try to limit my giving to my own church but there are a few others  I support such as the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and also Angel Tree.I like Angel Tree because the primary beneficiaries are children.I could tell you more but the artical to the right from our church e-newsletter will do a better job. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I am thankful for The National Association Of Realtors Code Of Ethics and the Realtors' Pledge of Performance and Service.I am glad that members of our profession as far back as 1913 saw a need to police itself and adapt a Code of Ethics.I don't believe you can legislate ethical behavior, there will always be bad apples, but I think it's important that we self police our industry and let the public know what the vast majority of us believe.I am thankful that the Code of Ethics continues to evolve and helps to weed out those "bad apples" that try to find ways around doing whats right for the public in an effort to enrich themselves.This is my 8th entry into Debbie Reynolds The 10 Day Thanksgiving Post Challenge
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I am so very thankful that 2016 has been a banner year for National Marketing Realtors and myself.We represented more Buyers this year than in any other year of our 41 years of existence.We increased our sales staff in 2016 and hope to add one more (Brett Spangler, intern) before the end of the year.National Marketing Realtors had more listings in 2016 than we have had in any previous year.For all these things we are very grateful/thankful.This is my 6th entry into Debbie Reynolds 10 Day Thanksgiving Post Challenge.Despite the fact that we had a record year for listing properties we are LOW on inventory now. If you want to move LIST with National Marketing Realtors. WE WILL GET IT SOLD!
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
NOW is a GREAT time to List with BOBBe a part of history and list with National Marketing Realtors during this, their banner year. National Marketing Realtors increased their listings this year by about four fold. Now however we are down to just a few listings and we are ready and set to sell your home should you list it with us, National Marketing Realtors.    
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We had 11 closings this week (same as last week), in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 96 (a pretty big increase over the 78 days of last week).   The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There was 11 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $560,000. and it was on the market for 44 days. The least expensive home sold for $117.500 and it was on the market for only 31 days.  Average days on market for the 11 homes sold was 96. Of...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Today was the day I sold hot dogs for The Horn Of Plenty, a charity program that provides food and toys to families in need over the holidays in the Minot ND area put on by KHRT Christian Radio. To read about the program click HERE. What could be better than helping local families, especially children, have a happy and memorable Christmas? The package KHRT delivers contains enough food for a Christmas diner (it's not a once size fits all, they find out how many people will be there for diner), gifts for the kids ages new born to 18, and a ministry gift. This years ministry gift is a copy of the movie "God's Not Dead II". They expect to serve about 300 families this year. To provide the ministy gift "God's Not Dead II" costs $15.00 per family. If you would like to help contribute and you...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
MY CHURCHNot my church as if I own it or as if I was in charge (thank goodness I'm not). The leaders of Our Saviors Church are pictured to the right.When I talk about my/our church I'm actually talking about the church families that attend Our Saviors LC-MS.I have attended many churches over my life time and most have let me down but Our Saviors LC-MS has been so loving and so caring I have to name them 2nd on my thankful list in Debbie Reynolds Being Thankful contest.OSLC welcomed us in even though we came from a different denominational background. We have been attending for about 10 years and in that time I've never detected any "in group" causing disunity in the church. The educational staff is focused on the word (Bible) and not on current trends. The children's ministry creates a ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We are NOT talking about love...but we are talking about electricity, static electricity.Heating season has been delayed by some terrific weather but it sounds like that great is coming to an end this evening with our first winter storm to arrive this weekend.Heating season means dry air and dry air means static electricity. Dry air is hard on a lot of things, especially your body but the most noticeable thing you will find in your home is those static electricity shocks you will be receiving if you don't fire up that humidifier soon.Humidifiers come in three basic designs and all kinds of shapes and sizes. There are automatic humidifiers built into some furnaces, there are cool air humidifiers, and there are steam humidifiers. They all do the job and they all require some maintenance s...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Thursday I will be Bob the hot dog vendor at the North Hill Marketplace foods. For just a buck you can have a hot dog and a pop and know that 100% of that buck went to the KHRT Horn Of Plenty.The horn of plenty is a great program to provide food and toys to under privilaged families in the Minot area for Christmas. To read more about The Horn Of Plenty or to suggest a family in need click HERE.
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