
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Thanks to Kenneth J. Jones and others on the Q&A section of AR I got it figured out as to how toupload an audio file into post... or at least how to get you to my audio file. If I did it right you should be able to click on the microphone to the left and it will get you to my podcast page (you may have to scroll down a little to see the "play" button. Now that is what they call a "clickable link". The next step is for me to figure out how to put in an "embedded player" so you stay right here and a new window doesn't open up but you still hear the podcast. Give me time. Between the Q&A section here and Google we will get it figured out. Putting an audio file on YouTube is a little tricky so I looked for sites that host audio files and found 4 good sites. They are (which I u...
Comments 8
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I just came from the KHRT Radio studios where we completed the 2nd recording of Minot Real Estate Today.Our first show will air on KHRT AM tomorrow (available on the web as well as being transmitted locally) at 4:45 PM.The first show was my "Demo" to the station so it's just me addressing where to start if you just made the decision to sell your home.The first show was recorded in my basement at home using my computer. They liked the demo but asked that future shows be recorded on better equipment so I recorded the second show in their studios today.The show we recorded today will air Friday February the 10th and it will feature my guest Duane Haberlock CML owner of Schock's Safe and Lock Service. It was a good visit as we discussed the importance of changing locks/deadbolts when purcha...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Bowling every day... oh boy!Well not exactly. While I know I would actually enjoy it and it would probably boost my average above it's current 165 I should just say that my face will be at the bowling alley every day for the next year and possibly beyond.The owners of North Hill Bowl in Minot North Dakota have been very kind to me so when they suggest I advertise on their screens I thought why not. One gets a lot of impressions for very little money. Mine will look exactly like this:There is a screen right at the ball return of every lane and it changes about every 15 seconds. If I remember correctly my ad will come up about every 3 minutes. That is a lot of impressions even if you only bowl one game. One other plus I should mention, I'm the only Realtor in Minot that will be advertisin...
Comments 19
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We had just 4 closings this week, two less than last week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 103. The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below. Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were only 4 homes sold in this limited catagory of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. The most expensive home sold for $261,500. and it was on the market just 87 days. The least expensive home sold for $111,680. and it was on the market for 135 days. Average days on market for the 4...
Comments 13
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
 We only had 3 closings this week, a surprising decrease (to me) over the 9 last week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market were 209, a big increase from 130 days on market last week.The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 3 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $215,000. and it was on the market for 253 days. The least expensive home sold for $170,000. and it was on the market for 102 days.  Average days on market for...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Why own a monster truck that makes you look little when you stand next to it? While having my "RealMan Van" serviced it was fun to see this vintage Honda N600 in the showroom. It is a 1972 and the history on it says the engine could achieve 9000 rpm, produce between 36 to 45 hp. The N600 was capable of speeds up to 81 mph. It had 10" tires and the entire car weighed just 1,119 pounds.If you are looking for something a little roomier to raise your family in I can help you with that. Just give me a call at National Marketing Realtors today. 701-852-1197   
Comments 9
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I am so glad that I'm an early riser. I am almost always in the office by 7:00 AM. I'm also glad I have a window office or I would have missed this fantastic sunrise this morning. God is the most amazing artist, no man will every have the entire atmosphere as his canvas... and just look at what God does with it!These pictures were taken with my 3 year old Samsung phone, no filtering, no editing of any kind.What appears as a mountain is a very large pile of snow in our parking lot. The next picture is also unedited in any fashion except that it is cropped.Regretfully my favorite camera dies last week. I'm sure it would have taken better pictures but this sunrise was so beautiful I think any camera would have conveyed the beauty God created.
Comments 15
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
After a couple of weeks of sub-zero temps anything above 20 degrees feels like a heat wave. This doesn't go just for locals, our Vicar (pastor in training) from Seattle WA mentioned from the pulpit that he couldn't believe how "warm" 20 degrees felt.Tina urged her brother Timmothy to help build a snow fort (tunnel) out of the mountain of snow off our back deck. Prior to that Timmothy and I shoveled the bulk of the 43" of snow off of the deck. So far it's been a 2 day project. We hope to get it completed tomorrow.
Comments 16
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We had 9 closings this week, a nice increase over the 4 last week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 130, a slight decrease from week.The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 9 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $342,000. and it was on the market for just 77 days. The least expensive home sold for $56,500. and it was on the market for 102 days.  Average days on market for the 9 homes sold was 130 days. Of the ...
Comments 6
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Answering the challenge of Praful Thakkar 's Crystal Ball's question of what do I see for the future of Real Estate in 2017 I will give you my vision of the Minot ND market.North Dakota is home to the perfect trifecta of energy, Oil, Coal, and Wind.The incoming administration, love them or hate them, will be very kind to energy, all forms. Their embrace of domestic sources of energy will be a huge boom for North Dakota, not just the Western part of the State but also the politicians in the East who love to confiscate it (yes I'm talking about you Fargo).The cities in the West that will benefit the most will be (in order) Williston, Dickinson, Bismarck, and Minot. Bismarck will benefit like Fargo because it is the capitol of ND and those politicians like all politicians love to confiscat...
Comments 9
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We received 43" of snow in a short amount of time and all the climatological experts have been telling us that it will have no bearing on spring run-off or flooding...So why did FEMA send out thousands of brochures on flood insurance to local Realtors this week?This is just SOME of the literature FEMA sent me this week. I/our Real Estate agency has never received information from FEMA in the past so I'm wondering if they are trying to tell us something.If you would like to stop in and pick up information on FEMA and flood insurance stop in soon before it's gone.Having been a victim of the 2011 flood I will say that if you live in the flood plain and you do not have flood insurance you are crazy! I am sure glad I did, it paid to have my entire home rebuilt and when it was all over it was...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Martin Luther King Day is celebrated the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United States. Please have an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend. Keep in mind that schools and most lending institutions will be closed as well as City offices. It's not a bad day for House Hunting however, so give us a call today so we can set up appointments now for Monday. 
Comments 11
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
As of TODAY you no longer need to purchase the Minot Daily News to find every open house in Minot ND.The stock holders of the Minot MLS voted to have our MLS provider (Paragon) build and maintain a public website that all Minot Real Estate Brokerages and agents can post our open houses to. This new site is mobile device ready so those who are on the road looking for open houses do not need to fumble with the newspaper as you go from one open house to another. It even has a mapping feature to help you get from one open house to another. Click on the photo above and take this new app/website for a test drive today.
Comments 6
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It doesn't take a millionaire to start a Real Estate Investment portfolio, you can own your first income producing property for as little as $9,000.00 You do not have to be rich to invest in Minot ND Real Estate. You can own an income producing property for as little as $9,000. National Marketing Realtors, Minot ND, currently has listed two proven money makers you can own for less than $15,000. Mobile homes are an easy way to start an income producing portfolio and they are easy to rent as well as to maintain. The two proven money makers we currently have in our inventory are MLS#'s 162444 and 162460. Both have a good history of producing income for their past owners. You can check them out at our website Timm.Realtor (just type that in your browser, no .com, just Timm.Realtor). If you ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
So what is the BIG Hit to start out the New Year?If we're talking 1938 it was Ol' Man MoseIf this song doesn't make you smile then like Ol' Man Moseyou don't have a pulse!I found this gem on an old Readers Digest music colletion I picked up at the thrift store for a dollar (8 record box set). Next time Fergie is in town with her husband, local boy Josh Duhamel, I hope to get the chance to suggest she and The Blackeyed Peas play this song. What A Deal!
Comments 10
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We only had 4 closings this week, a drop the 9 last week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 141, a big increase over the 117 days on market last week.The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 4 homes sold in this limited catagory. The most expensive home sold for only $185,435. and it was on the market 165 days. The least expensive home sold for $107,000. and it was on the market for 176 days.  Average days on market for the 4 homes sold was 141...
Comments 3
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
 Two Years ago in February of 2015 I had a heart attack. If you were to ask me to describe my health a day earlier I’d tell you I was as healthy as a horse, much better than the average 60 year old (which I was at the time).If memory serves me right it was a little after dinner time that I was feeling some discomfort. I thought it was indigestion as none of the symptoms I was experiencing were the signs we typically hear of for a heart attack. There was no elephant on my chest and my arms did not hurt. I ignored the discomfort as best I could by taking TUMS, a hot bath, trying to sleep sitting up, but I finally decided it was time to go to the hospital about 16 hours later.One of my arteries had collapsed. Long story short, they put a stint in and all is well and has been ever sense. To...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The Maysa Arena In Minot NDEven if you have no interest in Ice Skating or Hockey it's worth your time to know about Minot's Maysa Arena.You can click on the link above (the title) to learn all about the Maysa Arena but here is my short take on it. I do not skate but this is a fabulous facility that is also available for business meetings, concerts and more. There are 3 sheets of ice available as pictured below with the 3rd sheet of ice just recently opened. This newest sheet has seating for about 3,500 fans and is super top notch.1st and original sheet of ice. Watch as the seating grows in later additions.This is the 2nd sheet of ice at the Maysa Arena3rd sheet of ice at the Maysa Arena, by Bob timmThe Maysa Arena is part of the Minot Parks Department. To learn more about the Maysa Aren...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
There are only 3 homes located on Debra Court in NW Minot ND. The City assessor has these three homes valued from $220,000. to $259,000. These homes were built between 1974 and 1975. I found it interesting that the last time a home was sold on Debra court was in 2005. Evidently Debra Court is a great place to live and stay put!If you would like to live on Debra Court and you have enough money to make an offer these folks can't refuse give me a call and I will write that offer for you. 
Comments 3
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Earlier today I asked the question: Why are you in the office today? It's January 2nd, technically a holiday, banks are closed as well as government offices.. so why are you in the office? The answer for myself is that I'm getting my books in order for tax reasons. I want to be more "on top of" my file keeping in 2017 then in previous years. File keeping has always been a chore I've passed on to my secretary and accountant. I'm thinking if I keep better tabs on where the money is going I can make my corporation run more efficiently which in turn will help better serve the needs of my clients. As the day went on I had a couple of walk-ins, phone calls, and other pluses that ended up making it a full day (as opposed to the half a day I planed on putting in).
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