My 1st Podcast
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Thanks to Kenneth J. Jones and others on the Q&A section of AR I got it figured out as to how toupload an audio file into post... or at least how to get you to my audio file. If I did it right you should be able to click on the microphone to the left and it will get you to my podcast page (you may have to scroll down a little to see the "play" button. Now that is what they call a "clickable link". The next step is for me to figure out how to put in an "embedded player" so you stay right here and a new window doesn't open up but you still hear the podcast. Give me time. Between the Q&A section here and Google we will get it figured out. Putting an audio file on YouTube is a little tricky so I looked for sites that host audio files and found 4 good sites. They are (which I u...