
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I don't have 26 helpers to make a team of 27. I have enough helpers you will think your in heaven. I'd love to put this all in rhyme but I havn't thought it through, nor have I the time.Know where I'm going with this, let me tell you Mr and Miss.As your Realtor I am here to help you with much more than buying and selling a house. I can help you find a banker or even a pet mouse. It may surprise you but I can even tell you how to get that stain out of a blouse! I enjoy making connections and sharing information with my clients. My clients know that if they need help around the house I know exactly who to refer them to and if I can lend a hand myself I will roll up my sleeves and jump in as well ( just helped a client fix/replace a sump pump last week).It doesn't stop there! I know accoun...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We had 3 closings again this week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot (Just for the record I’m going to say I’m very surprised at the sluggish pace we have experienced so far this year. This should be a real “heads up” to Sellers. If you want to sell you need to price it right!). Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 198, up from last week's 162 (Again, an incredibly SLOW market).The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 3 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home s...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
If you thought I was talking about sobriety guess again.Tonight the family went out to diner to celebrate 5 years of being back in our home after it was devastated by the flood of 2011.Flood waters ran through our home and a couple thousand others for a full month before the water subsided and revealed the damage the flood had done.While it only took 9 months for our home to be reconstructed it took a couple of years to repair the lawn and our out buildings.Although I was living every man's dream for 9 months, that is living in my mother-in-laws basement, it was good to get back into our own home again.Many Minot residents are reliving the nightmare these days as they have fixed up their homes like we did only to be told this year that the City is buying them out and they have to move. ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
On today's podcast I visit with local contractor Mark Haugen .Mark is a "Local Boy" who has been involved in construction for about 25 years. Mark Haugen specializes in interior trim work but will do other work when he is not booked up on trim work.It was a delight to interview Mark Haugen and I hope you will listen in when it airs on KHRT AM Radio today at 4:45 PM. Local listeners can listen in at 1320 on the AM dial and everyone else can listen in on the web at (click on the AM icon to the left of the KHRT Radio home page.As always I BEGG you to email and tell them you like this program, Minot Real Estate Today, so they keep it on the air. 
Comments 10
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It was no surprise to anyone who has ever had a student at Minot's Sunnyside Elementary School that Principal Cindy Cook was honored by winning the 2016 - 2017 National Distinguished Principal Award.Cindy is just a wonderful person to know, always upbeat, always concerned about making sure her students and staff are the best. (My personal opinion as a parent who has had two kids attend Sunnyside.)When presented the award she said "Feeling sorry for low preforming children does not fix the problem, but rather high expectations produce results and that is the leadership philosophy at Sunnyside".My hats off to Cindy, she deserves the praise and more that this honor gives her.As a Realtor I can tell you that many people have the misconception that Sunnyside is Minot's poorest school distric...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Every year Minot State University hosts a program called "Chalk Full Of Music". It's not my favorite event but it's about the only one my son Timmothy participates in so I always attend if I can.The burr under my saddle, as they say, is they always make a big thing out of this saying "all the hard work is now over so just relax and enjoy" to the kids. However absolutely no recording equipment is allowed, not even a still camera! What's up with that? I want to record and share my child's achievment that he has worked so hard for.Here is one of the two pieces Timmothy played yesterday at the event. Obviously I recorded this at home today being I would have been thrown out if I had tried to record him yesterday. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Last week I interviewed Mark Haugen, a Minot ND contractor for the radio program Minot Real Estate Today on KHRT AM Radio but after the interview we kept the tape rolling as we visited about an upcoming mission trip to Juarez Mexico.Please listen in as Mark tells up about Our Saviors Lutheran Church annual trip which comes up at the end of February.
Comments 10
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We had 3 closings this week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 162, up from last weeks 131.The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 3 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $229,780. and it was on the market for 189 days. The least expensive home sold for $179,136. and it was on the market for 171 days.  Average days on market for the 3 homes sold was 162. Of the homes sold the average price per square foot (total...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Today at 4:45 on KHRT-AM radio listen in to Minot Real Estate Today and hear my interview with Kara Bohan, loan officer with Northern Tier Federal Credit Union.Kara will talk about the different lending products Northern Tier Federal Credit Union has to offer as well as her predictions as to where interest rates are headed in 2017.As usual I ask that all my friends please email KHRT Radio and let them know that you appreciate that they air Minot Real Estate Today. Their email address is and remember you can listen from anywhere on Earth at by clicking on the AM option to the left side of the screen. Thanks!
Comments 6
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Back in March of 2015n I wrote a post on Potholes, this a similar post except with the exceptional warm weather we are having this year pothole season is earlier and I need to add another dimension... MOTORCYCLES.1st) As is every year the potholes showing up in Minot are huge and frequent! Driving down East Burdick you maybe taking your life in your hands. You certainly are endangering the health of your vehicle and at the very least there is a good chance you will need to get your car realigned soon.2nd) On my way to the office this evening I saw the first motorcycle on the street this year. That's fine for the very experienced driver... during the day time. I hope the person I saw tonight is a very experienced driver due to the potholes and the loose salt and sand on the roads.As a ve...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
"Our little town was founded by people who were feed-up with excitement" Bill GaitherI can proudly say that Bill Gaither was NOT talking about Minot North Dakota when he made that statement.There is always a ton of things to do in Minot North Dakota and it's always a good mix of stuff for all ages. Weekends as well as Week Days there is no shortage of things to do.There are always free events as well as some you pay for to enjoy. Here is just a sample of things you can take in tomorrow in Minot.Mommy Meet-Up at the Minot Public Library Thursday Feb 16th at 10:00 AM Heritage Singers Variety Show at The Vegas Motel Thursday Feb 16th at 6:00 PM Scheels Kids Klub: Mad Scientist at Scheels in the Mall Thursday Feb 16th at 6:00 PM Minot State Wrestling at the MSU Dome Thursday Feb 16th at 7:0...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I'm not exaggerating! Of course even a real frog has better singing skills than I but the FROGS at church is our Children's choir.I'm surprised my kids prefer to sing with this choir over the adult choir because I think they are at the age they could sing with either. Lucky for them they did NOT inherit their dad's singing skills.If you are new to Minot ND and you are looking for a house of worship that "Rocks The House" you want to visit Our Savior Lutheran Church. We have a ton of musical talent including a pastor who was a professional guitarist with The Young Americans and a drummer who used to play with Prince as a studio musician not to mention several music teachers. Music is a HUGE part of our ministry so you can appreciate it even if you sing like a FROG (or a toad like me).
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
  On Minot Real Estate Today (02/10/2017) we visited with Duane Haberlock, Owner of Schock's Safe and Lock. Duane talks about re-keying locks, keyless entry systems, and the importance of home safes. Listen for some sound advive from Duane Haberlock Certified Master Locksmith. Please let KHRT Radio know that you appreciate Minot Real Estate Today by sending an email to .    
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Still looking for a Valentines Day event to attend? Be Good and Do Good. The Northern Plains Children's Advocacy Center presents Champagne and Ice Gala this Saturday, February 18th at The Grand Hotel Ballroom. Cocktails begin at 6:00 PM. There will be a silent auction, a live auction and a Dance to follow. For more information call 701-852-0836.My Valentine and I had a GREAT time last night at an event held at our church. The diner was a fundraiser for our youth group and they waited tables and such. It was really nice to see these kids (2 of them mine) dressed up for the event. The food was great and of course the company was even better.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
 Marco Giancola   I told you it was going to be a scorcher in Minot ND today!It was a torrid 42 degrees this afternoon so I thought I'd enjoy a cool one on the green grass. I hope I didn't get any unsightly tan lines.I probably should put that beer down however and work out a little more.If you should get tired of those oppressive 80 degree temps in Florida you are welcome to come enjoy our absolutely perfect weather in Minot ND. I'll save a cold one for you.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We had 7 closings this week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot (a slight improvement over 5 closings last week). Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 131, up from last weeks 116. The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were 7 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $318,100. and it was on the market for 83 days. The least expensive home sold for $65,010. and it was on the market for 24 days.  Average days on market for the 7 homes sold was 131. Of the home...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Today's Podcast/Radio Show features Duane Haberlock CML Owner of Schock's Safe & Lock Service in Minot ND.The show airs on KHRT AM Radio today (Friday 02/10/2017) at 4:45 PM. You can listen to it on air or on the internet through their web site  HERE.Duane talks about re-keying a home that has been previously occupied, safes, and even getting you into that locked car and making more keys.Please listen in today at 4:45 Central time. I will also post a link to the podcast when it's available. It would also be a great help if you would email KHRT at and let them know you appreciate the program. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
This week the North Dakota State Fair announced it's Country Western Music line-up for the NDSF July 21st - July 29th in Minot ND. I've always been moreof a Rock and Roll fan but I can usually tell you who is on top of the Country Western charts.Not this year. I don't know a single name on the line up but I know the North Dakota State Fair does a terrific job of bringing in top acts so I have to assume that Jason Aldean, Thomas Rhett, Little Big Town, Brothers Osborne, and Lonestar (oh I guess I have heard of LoneStar) are all top acts.As you can see from the poster to the left they have yet to name the Rock and Roll acts that will be appearing this year.Besides the BIG names that are announced there are always several free stages every day of the North Dakota State Fair and those free ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Prior to, during, and for a time after the flood flood of 2016 my office was located in the Oak Park Movie Theater.It was GREAT. On days they didn't have school the kids could come to work with me and enjoy a movie while I got things done in the office.The exposure was fantastic, I had walk-in business every day. I also want to give a shout out to my old Broker, Mr. Earl Allen, the GREATEST Real Estate mind I ever knew. Earl is 97 years old and would still be active today if his evil stepson wouldn't have confiscated all Earl owned, kicked him out of his house, and shoved him into a nursing home, but I digress.The good news is that The Oak Park Theater is about to open again. The building was purchased by the former financial manager and will once again be operated by the theater manage...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We had 5 closings this week in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Of the homes that closed this week the average days on market was 116. The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Be sure to note the line above as this is a very restrictive report. There were only 5 homes sold in this limited category. The most expensive home sold for $398,000. and it was on the market for 77 days. The least expensive home sold for $106,000 and it was on the market for 227 days.  Average days on market for the 5 homes sold was 116. Of the homes sold the average price per square foot (total square footage) was...
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