Don't Join Dangerous, 'Eroding' Cults. Practice Safe Sects!
By Susie Blackmon, Ocala, Horses, Western Wear, Horse Farms, Marketing
Erosion and landslide issues are a concern in most mountainous areas, sometimes called to our attention after a disaster occurs. Growth here in Haywood County has been steady, but not without its own hiccups in this regard. The Asheville Citizen-Times published several excellent and informative articles about slope ordinance information and landslides by Jon Ostendorff. The most recent are listed and linked below: Growth continues despite slope law Homes in harm's way on many WNC Slopes Awareness. Local builders, developers, engineers, and real estate brokers are your best defense and best sources of information regarding important considerations and issues inherent in living here in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Keep in mind that professionals, particularly real estate broke...