
Jacksonville, NC Real Estate News

By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Hello Onslow County Parents,The weatherman says to expect rain again this Saturday--that will be 3 in a row if you are counting (like me).  So are you running out of ways to keep the kiddies entertained on these rainy days? Here's the solution :Halloween Costume Contest & Matinee MovieSaturday, October 25Carmike Cinema 16 located behind the Jacksonville Mall9 AM - Costume Contest - Movie immediately after contestAge 12 and Under Accompanied by an Adult Admission  is 3 Canned Goods which will be donated to Onslow County Christmas Cheer  Free Goody BagsQuestions?  Call 910-347-5332     Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist   910 459 9189     Email Me Kingsbridge Realty, Inc., Making Houses Homes We take pride in assisting Military Families locate a home in Onslow County...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
There is a wonderful farm located in Onslow County in the small rural town of Beulaville about 25 miles outside of Jacksonville,North Carolina.   If you have just relocated to Camp LeJeune Marine base you may not have heard about -- Mike's Farm. (I hope to take my little one in the next week or so and will post photos at that time and tell you more!) The farm is a family oriented business owned by Mike Lowe, his wife Theresa and their daughter Caitlin. It is open to the public. The family describes their goal as the desire "to educate children about farm life of today and years ago". The farm's specialty is Agri-Tourism and includes Hayrides (Every Saturday in October - a fun filled hayride through the pumpkin patch) Christmas Trees Pumpkin Picking A Variety of other Crops The emphasis ...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
No more excuses for not getting that much needed exercise.  Yes, we're all gulity at some time and we come up with some "good reasons". I don't have anyone to exercise with I can't afford to join a gym I don't have anywhere to walk Etc, etc. Does any of this sound familiar?Onslow County NC Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring a  Fall Weekday Walking program.When?  Every Friday in September and October 2008Time?  12:15 PMWhere?  Waterfront Park, Tallman Street, Jacksonville NC (next to USO)How to Register?  Call 910-347-5332 or register onlineThe route is approximately 1.5 miles long and the program is open to all county employees and the general public.So, get out those walking shoes,  call a neighbor, friend or co-worker and get moving  to improve your physical, mental and emo...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
All over Onslow County families have the same conversation each week--what to do on the week-end.  Dad wants to play golf, Mom think maybe the garage needs to be cleaned,  the kids want to hang out at the mall with their friends and poor Fido doesn't get a vote.So what can the whole family, including Fido, do that would be fun for all?  The answer is "Dog Day in the Park" in Jacksonville NC at the Onslow Pines Park.   Saturday 9/27   9AM-Noon10 AM - Fun Run or Walk Registration $8.00 (free t-shirt)  - Pre-registration is required 910 347-5332 Take advantage of the Dog Wash Microchips Rabies Clinic Photo contest Rules for pets and owners Pick up after pet Lease no longer than 6' Current rabies vaccine required No females in heat Owners with unruly dogs will be asked to leave   Cynthia Ti...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Come join the fun Sunday, September 21st  for a fun/leisure, scenic bike ride beginning at the Food Lion Parking lot at the corner of Piney Green and Hall Road in Jacksonville and ending at Hammock's Beach Park in  Swansboro.  Everyone is invited to participate however, all riders under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.  The course is mostly flat terrain and is 21 miles long.  The  weatherman is predicting the weather will be delightful with low humidity and cooler temperatures, a great day for a bike ride! Registration begins at 1:30 P.M Ride begins at 2:00 P.M There will be pizza for all at the Hammock's Beach Pavillion following the ride.  Riders must provide their own transportation back to the Food Lion Park Lot. Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialis...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Attention Onslow County Parents!  What?  Bicycle RodeoWhen?  Saturday, August 23Time?  8:30 - 10:00 A.M.Where?  Jacksonville MallWho?  Ages 4-14Why?  To teach and encourage bicyle riding skills and safetyFree Helmets while supply lasts Minor bicycle repairs will be available  Onslow County Sheriff's Department and Jacksonville Police Department will register bikes.   A skills course will be available  for kids to test their bike riding skills. For more information::  Call 910-347-5332This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to receive bike safety training.      Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist 910 459 9189 Email Me Kingsbridge Realty, Inc., Making Houses Homes We take pride in assisting Military Families locate a home in Onslow County when relocating to Cam...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
August is fast approaching which means school will soon be starting in Onslow County, N C. The first day of school for Onslow County students is August 26th. A fun way to start getting ready for the beginning of school:   "Back to School Bingo" Monday, August 4th6 to 8 P.MBlue Creek Elementary School in JacksonvilleKindergarten to Age 12Prizes: Back To School Supplies Cost:  Free For more information call 910 347 5332If you are looking a home in Jacksonville, Swansboro, Hubert, Richlands or anywhere in Onslow County, NC, it would be my honor to assist you. Perhaps you are relocating to Camp LeJeuene Marine base, I can help you find the home that best fits your family's needs.   Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist 910 459 9189 Email Me Kingsbridge Realty, Inc., Makin...
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By McKenzie Johnson EasternNCSales/Military, SCOUT the life you LOVE!
(CRI Properties/SCOUT Carolinas Group)
Not sure if the Jacksonville-area market is the right place for you to invest?  I'm sure you have been watching countless news stories about the industry, the market and various lending institutions.  The Onslow County area never experienced the "bubble" so many "Chicken Littles" are running around crying over.  The market isn't falling here. . .and this is still a tremendous land of opportunity for the first time home buyer and more! The general rule of thumb (note, not gospel and I will NOT garantee these results) in our local market is a minimum two years of ownership will ensure you turn a profit when you sell.  When working with a buyer there are always three questions I know they will have: 1. "What will my monthly payment be?" 2. "What will my closing costs be?" and 3. "How much ...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Attention veterans --have you heard about the new GI bill? "The Post -9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008. This is great news for veterans as the bill has been completely revamped and provides a much more comprehensive and complete educational package for our veterans.President Bush has signed the bill but the benefits will be enacted in two phases, the first being August 2008 and the second in August 2009.A Comparison of Old GI Bill to New, Revised GI Bill   Old GI Bill New GI Bill Covers full cost of tuition No Yes Pays room and board No Yes Full benefits available to all combat veterans No Yes Non-refundable pay in requirement Yes No Benefits available 15 years after last period of active duty No Yes Some other benefits: Tutorial Assistance - Up to $100/month for up to 12 ...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Jacksonville, North Carolina is home to Camp LeJeune Marine Base, New River Air Station and the Naval Hospital at Camp LeJeune.Many families relocate to Jacksonville throughout the year from many different parts of the country.  Helping these military families (and non-military families) locate a home in Jacksonville or the surrounding areas of Hubert, Swansboro, Richlands and Maysville in Onslow County, North Carolina is my job and passion.  If you have a home to sell or are looking to buy a home in this area, I would consider it an honor to assist you with your Onslow County real estate needs.By visiting my website, you can view all of  the real estate for sale on the Onslow County, Jacksonville MLS.  I can assist you with any of these properties.Below are two Market Reports for Jacks...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Are you moving this summer to Hubert, Swansboro, Richlands, Jacksonville or relocating to Camp LeJeune Marine Base or New River Air Station?  Whether the move is local or across the country,  its time to stop procrastinating!   Time is running out if you want to settle your kids in their new schools for the 2008/2009 year.   Onslow County's first day of school is August 26.    When you stop procrastinating, there are many great buys right now all over Onslow County and in all communities and subdivisions.    I can help you  find a home that will fit your budget and meets the needs of your family.  If you are new to the area, you will want to check my relocation package where you will find information on: Preparing and organizing for the move Jobs for spouses Childcare directory Schools...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Yes, I finally got around to it...posting a new photo...that is.  Really, the old ones was not that old (well as  real estate agents' pictures go...LOL!), it was taken in 2006. (And BTW, a couple of people have asked about the hand on my shoulder, the photo was of my little one and me, I cropped it to use here) Today after posting the new photo I started thinking about how very important it is to keep our information and photos current.Because...... I want to be recognized - If someone reads my blog and sees my picture online, when and if I meet them; I want them to know it is ME, Cynthia Tilghman, Onslow County Home Specialist.  I definitely do not want them thinking "is that the same lady whose blog I've been reading, sure does not look like her".  I want them to feel like they alread...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Junior Golfers, Come join in the fun and improve your game. Sunday, May 18th Jacksonville Country Club Registration begins at 3:00 P.M Contest begins at 3:30 P.M This tournament is open to all Junior Golfers 18 years of age and under who have not graduated from High School as of May 1, 2008. Everyone must furnish their own clubs. The first 50 who register will receive Tee Packs and Golf Towels. For more information and answers to questions call the Onslow County Parks and Recreation Department 910-347-5332. Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist 910 459 9189 Email Me Kingsbridge Realty, Inc., Making Houses Homes We take pride in assisting Military Families locate a home in Onslow County when relocating to Camp Lejeune North Carolina Disclaimer: The opinions expressed b...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
New River Air Station in Jacksonville, N C presents "Freedom Past and Present Air Show" Saturday May 3rd and Sunday May 4th. The Air Station offers the air show as an opportunityTo offer an Open House for the publicShowcase the latest in military technologyEntertain the publicRecruit The gates will open to the public at 9 AM and the show will start at Noon. There will be no admission or parking fee. Trolleys will provide transportation throughout the day from the parking area to the tarmac. Just remember where you park! There will be a large variety of food vendors selling food and drinks (including beer) at reasonable prices as well as arts, crafts and air show mementos. Visitor may not bring Coolers Glass containers Alcoholic beverages Pets Wheeled toys/vehicles Some things you may w...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Moving to a new area is packed with challenges and stress. Learning ones way around and where to go for services can be time consuming and frustrating. Jacksonville is the county seat of Onslow County and location of the county courthouse and governmental services. Car Titles - The state of North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles manages vehicle registration and titles 910-345-1000 or websiteMarriage License - Marriage license are issued by the Onslow County Register of Deeds office, Room 107 in E. W Summersill building at 109 Bridge St., Jacksonville, N C. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8- 5 but to apply for license both parties must arrive by 4:30 and must have identification which is birth certificate or a valid driver's license. License are valid for 60 days, cost is $50.00 payabl...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Summer will be here before we know it and the question "how are we going to keep the kids entertained and busy?" will be on the lips of every parent. Long time Onslow County residents may already know the answer but those who have just relocated to Camp Lejeune Marine Base or New River Air Station may be unaware of area programs. The City of Jacksonville NC is once again offering Summer Day Camp for children 6-15 years of age. Now is the time to register as this is a very popular program and is available on a “first come, first serve basis”. There is a children program for ages 6-12 and teen program for ages 13-15. Session #1 – June 23-July 3rd – "Wacky Water Week" A week of water activities including a trip to Jungle Rapids. Session #2 – July 7 – July 28th – "Games Galore Camp " Featu...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
I was aware that businesses, especially in military towns like Jacksonville, North Carolina where Camp Lejeune Marine Base and New River Air Station are located, offered discounts to members of the military. But, I was totally blown away by the vast number of businesses all over the country that support and honor our military by offering various types of discounts. It seems that for any product or service one might need, there is a small business or major chain that have stepped up to the plate for the military families.Some of the categories of the businesses that offer military discounts. ApparelAuto, Auto Repair & ServiceTravel and LeisureRestaurantsBankingTelephoneElectronics 4 Military Families - Military Discounts has lists and links to businesses that offer military discounts. A...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Springs brings wonderful things to our area and one of the most anticipated events for Onslow County residents (especially Camp Lejeune Marines far from home and home grown fruits, vegetables and home made baked goods) is the opening of the Onslow County Farmers’ Market. That happens tomorrow, Saturday April 19 at 8:30 am. The market proudly offers locally grown fresh fruits and produce in season as well as baked good, plants and crafts. With so much interest and concern about our food supply and what is used in the growing process, the market provides a wonderful opportunity for the community to buy from locals who are there to answer questions concerning how their products are grown and their use of pesticides. In April and early May the locally grown items available are: Strawberrie...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
I'm sure you heard or read in the news that FBI agents and Mexican authorities arrested Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean last evening. He is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Marine Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach, whose burned remains were found in January in the backyard of his home near Camp Lejeune Marine Base in Jacksonville NC in Onslow County. We, the residents of Onslow County, have followed this case closely and will continue to do so. It was a shock when this horrible crime happened here in our backyard. I think most of us believed this only happened in "other places". What an awful reminder this is and was that there are people we come in contact with in our professional and personal lives that have no respect or regard for their fellowman.Let's continue to keep the famil...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Welcome to Camp LeJeune Marine Base        Camp Lejeune is home to U.S. Marine Corps' II Marine Expeditionary Force, 2nd Marine Division and three other major Marine commands as well as  the Naval Hospital at Camp Lejeune. It is estimated that approximately 1/4 of Onslow County's population is made up of active service members.The base consists of 246 square miles with 14 miles of beaches which makes it a major area for amphibious assault training. Its location between two deep-water ports in Wilmington and Morehead City enables fast and efficient deployments.Now that you know some of the facts about the base, I bet you would like to know more about what the area has to offer and information and tips on relocating to the area.But first, you must get organized and prepare for the move:P...
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