
Jacksonville, NC Real Estate News

By Sneads Ferry, Topsail Island,Wilmington, Hampstead, Holly Ridge,Jacksonville
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty, The Burchfield Group)
My husband always tells me that when I write (and for the most part I write all of his blog entries) I shouldn't specify the area as coastal North Carolina. Well, why not? That's where we are! To me, everything east of I 95 is the coastal plain of North Carolina. So, when I say "come, go coastal in North Carolina," that covers a pretty big area. In the case of Sea Coast Realty, all the way from Southport to Swansboro. That's properties in Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender and Onslow counties up and down the coast! Anyway, we have expanded The Burchfield Group into the Jacksonville, N.C. market and have two new residential neighborhoods. One of them, called The Highlands at Queens Creek, is a very exciting project. When completed, the neighborhood will have soccer fields, basketball courts,...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
If you are a parent of teenager living in Jacksonville, N C or based at Camp LeJeune Marine Base, Naval Hospital At Camp LeJeune or New River Air Station,  I have a solution to that ever present complaint of all teenagers ....."there's nothing to do" or "I'm bored". The City of Jacksonville N C Parks and Recreation Department offers a Youth Night Program which provides a safe, supervised environment and the opportunity to learn the importance of sportsmanship, teamwork and rules of play. When?  Monday -Friday, Year Round Who?  Highschool teenagers (must be enrolled in school) 13-19 Time?  6 to 8:30 PM Where? Jack Amyette Recreation Center - 1825 South Dr. in the New River area Activities?  Variety of Activities--box games, table games, team sports, arts and crafts.  Participants may rec...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
On January 31 in honor of Black History month a one man play "A Game Apart" featuring the life of Jackie Robinson, famous baseball player, will be performed at Swansboro Middle School at 10 AM and at the Main Library in Jacksonville at 2 PM.  This date would have been Jackie Robinson's 91st birthday. Mike Wiley, a 10 year veteran of tv, film and theatre  lives in Apex, North Carolina.  He performs seven  black history focused plays in an effort to share lessons of courage and leadership from heroic African American athletes. The plays are FREE and open to the public. For more information contact the Onslow County Library 910-455-7350 or visit their website. Keep abreast of Onslow County NC events and information by following my blog.   Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Speci...
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By Joy Jones, find joy in home ownership
(Bluecoast Realty, Real Estate, your Regional Broker)
Don't be,  Jacksonvillle NC's  market is still very strong.   We have never had the ups and downs many areas have experienced.  Being close to the coast,  with a great climate and our military bases,  we are a stable area growing into the future. Not only do we have  military families but  many like to resettle here for that warmer climate. In fact,  our expansion in our military bases  is bringing new opportunities to the area in retail, industry and recreation.   Whether it is your first home or  3rd home,  you should make a return on your investment in a home here. Generally if you own a home here for  a least  2 years you will be able to break even and once you get to the  3 year mark   we are usually happy to help you turn a profit when you sell.   Of course it is always important ...
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By Alexis Muegge
(EXIT Homeplace Realty)
In my last blog, I briefly discussed the history of the VA loan and how it applies to the servicemen and women that may use it.  In this segment, I wanted to discuss the applications that a VA loan has and the eligibility requirements needed for a service member to get approved. A VA loan guaranty has many possible uses, among which are: To buy or build a home. To buy a residential condominium. To buy a residential cooperative housing unit (co-op). To repair, alter, or improve a home. To Refinance an existing home loan. To buy a manufactured home with or without a lot. To buy and improve a manufactured home lot. To install a solar heating or cooling system or other weatherization improvements. To buy a home and install energy-efficient improvements. To be eligible for a VA loan guaranty...
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By Sneads Ferry, Topsail Island,Wilmington, Hampstead, Holly Ridge,Jacksonville
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty, The Burchfield Group)
Watching the temperature fall last night was akin to seeing a rock drop from a 10 story building! While it was cold for most of the day yesterday, here on Topsail Island, we do not experience a great deal of that kind of cold weather. Fortunately, this is only a minor little blast of frigid air that will be moving along shortly. In the meantime, fireplaces are roaring, beachwalkers (yes, they ARE out there) are bundled against the cold and it just smells good outside! I don't know how else to explain the crisp, salty air, except to say that I just feel healthier out there breathing it! We on the Burchfield team have been working very hard with our colleagues in our new Jacksonville office. Familiarizing ourselves with properties and opportunities in the big city just up the coast from T...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
If you are active military and have thought about continuing your education, the opportunity to do so as an active serviceman or woman is incredible indeed.  The U.S Armed Forces offer several programs to assist members with their education.   Perhaps the most popular program is known as TA (Armed Forces Tuition Assistance). It is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Congress has granted each service the ability to pay up to 100% for the tuition expenses of its members.   Each branch of the Armed Forces has its own guidelines.   A brief overview of the requirements for Marines Who is Eligible? Active Duty Only What is Covered? Tuition Lab Fees       Enrollment fees Special Fees Computer Fees Amount Covered?100 % Tuition Not to exceed...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Business Week Magazine recently named Jacksonville  in Onslow County as the best city in North Carolina to raise kids. To qualify for the distinction Towns must have at least 50,000 residents  Median family income must be between $40,000 and $100,000 Criteria used in determining the decision include School performance and safety Number of schools Household expenditures Crime rates Air quality Job growth Family income Museums Parks Theaters Other amenities Diversity However the factor which carries the most weight is School performance and safety. Jacksonville, North Carolina is and has been recognized as one of the most diverse communities in the United States as a result of the wide variety of cultural, racial and ethnic people in the area. If you are relocating to Camp LeJeune Marine ...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Here's a great Christmas activity to keep your kids busy while you are hustling and bustling around trying to finish up those last minute Christmas preparations!  Whether you live in Jacksonville, Hubert, Swansboro,  a military family at Camp LeJeune Marine Base or any area of Onslow County North Carolina;  your kids can participate in the Christmas Skate sponsored by the Onslow County Parks & Recreation Department. Christmas SkateWhen: Wednesday - December 23Where:  Recreation Station - 433 Western Boulevard, Jacksonville NCTime:  1 PM to 5 PMAges:  All - Under 12 must be accompanied by an adultCost:  $4.00 per participantEveryone Skates at their Own RiskFree Laser Tag Games to First 300 Paying ParticipantsFor More Information - 910 347 5332 Are you looking for a home in Onslow County ...
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By Alexis Muegge
(EXIT Homeplace Realty)
As some of you may know, I make a concerted effort throughout the year to donate items and time to various charitable organizations.  Some of my friends and clients have been calling me this month wanting to know if I had any suggestions about donation and volunteer opportunities in the Jacksonville area, so I decided to compile some information and share it with anyone who's interested in spreading a little extra Christmas Cheer. Here are a few organizations that could use your help: Onslow Christmas Cheer- Christmas Cheer is a program ran by Onslow Community Ministries.  One way to help Christmas Cheer is to sponsor a needy family or elderly person.  A sponsor coordinator can help to match a potential sponsor with an available case.  If you wish to consider sponsorship, call the US Ce...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
The Christmas spirit was alive and well at Camp Lejeune Marine base yesterday.  In a joint effort the Christmas Spirit Foundation  and FedEx with the assistance of the Camp Lejeune Single Marine program gave away 800 live Christmas trees at Onslow Beach to military families.The Christmas Spirit Foundation donated the trees, FedEx transported them to Camp Lejeune and volunteers from Camp Lejeune’s Single Marine Program (including volunteers from Camp Johnson) and from U. S. Marine Corps Forces, Special Operations Command loaded the trees into the recipients' vehicles. The Christmas Spirit Foundation is the charitable branch of the National Christmas Tree Association  which donated approximately 16,000 trees this year to troops and their families around the world. "The foundation is about...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Listen up, I have it from reliable sources that Santa and his elves will be in town on Saturday  to meet and hear request from the military kids whose Dad or Mom is stationed at Camp LeJeune Marine Base, New River Air Station at Camp LeJeune and the Naval Hospital at Camp LeJeune in Jacksonville, N C. So make your list, check it twice and come have......... Breakfast with Santa Saturday 12/6/2008 8:30 to 11:00 AM USO - 9 Tallman St., Jacksonville, N C Call now -- 910-455-3411-- reservations are required and is open to military ID card holders only.   And Mom and Dad, if you are looking for real estate in Onslow County, it would be my honor to assist you.   Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist   910 459 9189     Email Me Kingsbridge Realty, Inc., Making Houses Homes W...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Do your kids enjoy art?  Most children do.  The Onslow County NC Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring a Christmas card design contest for young children. This is a fun way to encourage and support your child's creative and artistic talent.   But hurry the deadline for entries is December 12 at 5 PM!   Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist   910 459 9189     Email Me Kingsbridge Realty, Inc., Making Houses Homes We take pride in assisting Military Families locate a home in Onslow County when relocating to Camp Lejeune North Carolina  Area expert for homes in Hubert North Carolina      
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By Sneads Ferry, Topsail Island,Wilmington, Hampstead, Holly Ridge,Jacksonville
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty, The Burchfield Group)
            We participated in the 53rd annual holiday parade in Jacksonville, N.C. on Saturday, November 22nd. The weather was COLD! The temperature when we left our office in Surf City on Topsail Island was a crisp 25 degrees! Now, we know that for some of you, that may be shorts and T shirt weather but here on Topsail, those temperatures are out of the ordinary for November. Our new office in Jacksonville opened last week and our colleagues there built a float for the parade, which WON Best in the Amateur Division! Pete Barber entered his Cobra and we, the Rand Burchfield Real Estate Group, put the moving truck to good use, as well. This time, Kathy drove (thank goodness, only required to do so in a straight line), Judy Carlton, Linda Blackburn and our Bichons, Pearl and Lilly rode ...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
If you have ever served in the military, Golden Corral Restaurants want to say "Thank You for your Service" with a free dinner today from 5PM to 9 PM.  This marks the 8th year Golden Corral has held the Military Appreciation Day. The Jacksonville Golden Corral which serves and honors the Camp LeJeune and New River Air Station marines as well as the sailors at the Naval  Hospital at Camp LeJeune is located at 2055 North Marine Blvd. and the phone number is 910-455-3733. I don't know about you, but I have a new found respect for this company.  They support our military with many various programs and events throughout the year. I learned Golden Corral Has provided over 1.8 million free meals Contributed over $2.53 million to disabled veterans Managers, their teams and guests have written o...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
The veterans of our country deserve our gratitude, respect, admiration and recognition every day of the year but especially today on their day - Veteran's Day- the day set aside to honor these brave and courageous men and women.                      (Photo courtesy of Look around you....who is a veteran? Perhaps it's a Parent Spouse Co-Worker Neighbor Friend The man or woman behind or in front of you in the checkout at the grocery store Do you understand what these heroes sacrificed, endured and suffered through?  Do you realize what it means to YOU and YOUR LIFE?  Give it some serious thought today and I believe you will make a point to  Thank a Veteran today for Your Freedom If you are a Veteran, please accept my eternal and heartfelt  thanks and gratitude for your selfl...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
    to the United Stated Marine Corps and especially our friends at Camp LeJeune Marine Base in Jacksonville, North Carolina. On November 10, 1921 the first official celebration was held.  This date was chosen because in 1775 the Second Continental Congress resloved to raise two battalions of the Continental marines. On November 1, 1921 General Lejeune, 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps issued an order which summorized the history, mission and tradtion of the Marine Corps.  He directed that upon orders it should be read to every command on November 10 in honor of the birthday of the Marine Corps. Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist   910 459 9189     Email Me Kingsbridge Realty, Inc., Making Houses Homes We take pride in assisting Military Families locate a home i...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
What are your plans for the weekend?  Whether you live in Jacksonville, Hubert, Swansboro, Richlands or are a military family stationed at Camp LeJeune Marine base;  when Friday comes you are ready to kick back relax and enjoy the weekend with family and friends.Here's an idea.There will be a  free concert in  honor of  the birthday of the   Marine Corps and Veterans' Day.   Patriotic and Americana music by Onslow Winds and a guest opening band will be featured.Come and enjoy great Live Music Food Vendors Entertainment for the kids Friday, November 75:30-8:30 PMRiverwalk Crossing Park - Downtown Jacksonville - 421 Court StreetFor more information -  (910) 937-7222  or vist the B.O.L.D website I suggest you invite friends and family for an evening of fun and entertainment in downtown Jac...
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By Alexis Muegge
(EXIT Homeplace Realty)
You heard me right!  For $100 you can purchase a ticket that will enter you into a raffle to win a home that has recently been appraised for $835,000! As some of you may know, I enjoy participating in various fundraisers and contributing to different non-profit organizations.  One that I am especially fond of is, a part of AnySoldier, Inc.  AnySoldier, Inc. is a fantastic company that tries to connect our service members overseas with people that would like to send care packages, but don't know where or who to send them to.  It is a non-profit organization with great beginnings.  The creators of this amazing group conceived the idea when their son was sent to Iraq.  They created, then added,,, and AnyCoastGuardsman.c...
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By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Military Relocation, it's a fact of life for military families and though I have never had this experience I have many friends and clients who have made these moves many times and they tell me it never gets any   easier.          If you are relocating to Camp LeJeune Marine Base in Jacksonville, North Carolina I think you will find the following articles helpful and provide you with some excellent resources. Child Care Onslow County NC Before & After School Care Childcare Directory for Families Relocating to Camp LeJeune Jacksonville NC Childcare Directory for Camp LeJeune and New River Air Station Families Schools Onslow County NC 2008-2009 Public School Calendar Private Schools in Onslow County Onslow County Schools - Parent/Teacher Conference, Are You Ready? Support Swansboro High Sc...
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