Buying A Home Near Camp LeJeune Marine Base
By Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
(Kingsbridge Realty, Inc)
Ok, you have your PC orders and you will be relocating to Camp LeJeune Marine Base, New River Air Station or the Naval Hospital at Camp LeJuene. The next step is finding a home that will fit your family's needs. First you must decide the area you want live--will it be Jacksonville, NC - the county seat of Onslow County and the largest town in the county Swansboro NC - a unique,small historic village on the White Oak River Hubert NC - a small community between Swansboro and Jacksonville--a very short drive to Camp LeJeune Richlands NC - a mostly rural area near Jacksonville and the bases Each area is unique and special in its own way, it all a matter of personal preference. As always, I welcome your emails and questions. Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor, Onslow County Home Specialist 910 4...