Custom Homes at The Sanctuary in Charlotte NC|Luxury Living at Its Best
By Terry McDonald The McDonald Group, Brokers NC/ SC
(, LLC)
Custom Home Communities Of South Charlotte This is the establishment--if folks ask me for South Charlotte's most exclusive custom home communities, we would look at The Sanctuary, Longview, Skyecroft and Highgate. There are many others along Providence Road, and some exclusive sections of Ballantyne... also newcomers like the Palisades have a lot to offer in the way of lifestyle and amenities (I've written about the new homes at Palisades here)... but this post is about the first of the "blue chips, " The Sanctuary- the blue chips south of Pineville-Matthews road, south "south" Charlotte. The Sanctuary in Mecklenburg County, and the other three are in close-in Union County. The Sanctuary, what's in a name? The folks at Crescent Communities, Charlotte's premiere waterfront developer, wo...