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Essex Fells homes for sale along with links for nearby South Charlotte homes and neighborhoods and their real estate listings. The featured properties are all located in South Charlotte. As curiosity goes, we have included recent housing market averages for “sold” properties-just for Essex Fells real estate listings-as noted in the MLS. Essex Fells Home Sales: Housing Market January 2010 - July 2012 Neighborhood Stats Status # of Homes List Price Sold Price Days on Market Active 0 $ Pending 1 $219,900 150 SOLD: 2012 1 $282,500 $265,000 52 2011 3 $296,259 $279,333 128 2010 2 $286,950 $282,500 31 Find all Charlotte Homes for Sale Here. OUR LINKS ARE UPDATED DAILY, but will not work with AOL browsers. Ardrey Homes For Sale Ballantyne Homes for Sale Fort Mill Homes for Sale...
Essex Fells homes for sale along with links for nearby South Charlotte homes and neighborhoods and their real estate listings. The featured properties are all located in South Charlotte. As curiosity goes, we have included recent housing market averages for “sold” properties-just for Essex Fells real estate listings-as noted in the MLS. Essex Fells Home Sales: Housing Market January 2010 - February 2012 Neighborhood Stats Status # of Homes List Price Sold Price Days on Market Active 2 $269,200 226 Pending 0 $ SOLD: 2012 0 2011 3 $296,259 $279,333 128 2010 2 $286,950 $282,500 31 Find all Charlotte Homes for Sale Here. OUR LINKS ARE UPDATED DAILY, but will not work with AOL browsers. Ardrey Homes For Sale Ballantyne Homes for Sale Fort Mill Homes for Sale Huntersv...
Essex Fells homes for sale along with links for nearby South Charlotte homes and neighborhoods and their real estate listings. The featured properties are all located in South Charlotte. As curiosity goes, we have included recent housing market averages for “sold” properties-just for Essex Fells real estate listings-as noted in the MLS. Essex Fells Home Sales: Housing Market 2009 vs. 2010 Neighborhood Stats Status # of Homes List Price Sold Price Days on Market Active 1 $286,500 252 Pending 0 $ SOLD: 2010 4 $288,419 $278,500 92 2009 4 $304,833 $300,500 67 Find all Charlotte Homes for Sale Here. OUR LINKS ARE UPDATED DAILY, but will not work with AOL browsers. Ardrey Homes For Sale Ballantyne Homes for Sale Fort Mill Homes for Sale Huntersville Homes for Sale Indian T...
Essex Fells homes for sale along with links for nearby South Charlotte homes and neighborhoods and their real estate listings. The featured properties are all located in South Charlotte. As curiosity goes, we have included recent housing market averages for “sold” properties-just for Essex Fells real estate listings-as noted in the MLS. Essex Fells Home Sales: Housing Market 2009 vs. 2010 Neighborhood Stats Status # of Homes List Price Sold Price Days on Market Active 2 $307,388 128 Pending 0 $ SOLD: 2010 3 $284,600 $279,667 45 2009 4 $304,833 $300,500 67 Find all Charlotte Homes for Sale Here. OUR LINKS ARE UPDATED DAILY, but will not work with AOL browsers. Ardrey Homes For Sale Ballantyne Homes for Sale Fort Mill Homes for Sale Huntersville Homes for Sale Indian Trail Homes for S...
Essex Fells homes for sale, housing data and links for neighborhoods real estate listings in Charlotte. The following report numbers are market averages for “sold” properties (as noted in the MLS), using recorded Essex Fells realty sales. Essex Fells is located in South Charlotte. Essex Fells Housing Market Report: January-October, 2010: Status # of Homes List Price Sold Price Days on Market Active 1 $329,900 76 Pending 0 SOLD: 2010 1 $315,000 $312,000 45 2009 4 $304,833 $300,500 67 Find all Charlotte Homes Here. OUR LINKS ARE UPDATED DAILY, but will not work with AOL browsers. Ardrey Homes For Sale Ballantyne Homes for Sale Fort Mill Homes for Sale Huntersville Homes for Sale Indian Trail Homes for Sale Lake Norman Homes for Sale Lake Wylie Homes for Sale Marvin Homes for Sale Ma...
(Homes By Cross serving Charlotte NC Real Estate Needs)
Homes for Sale in Essex Fells-Charlotte NC-Essex Fells Homes Essex Fells homes for sale, housing data and links for neighborhoods real estate listings in Charlotte. The following report numbers are market averages for “sold” properties (as noted in the MLS), using recorded Essex Fells home sales. Essex Fells Housing Market Report: January 1-July 15, 2010: STATUS # of Homes List Price Sold Price %SP /LP Days on Market Active 0 Pending 0 STATUS=SOLD 2010 1 $315,000 #312,000 99% 45 2009 3 $315,543 $310,000 98% 42 OUR LINKS ARE UPDATED DAILY, but will not work with AOL browsers. * Homes for Sale in Ardrey * Providence Area Homes * Waxhaw Homes for Sale * Weddington Homes for sale * Matthews Real Estate for Sale * South Charlotte Homes for Sale * Bal...
(Homes By Cross serving Charlotte NC Real Estate Needs)
Find Essex Fells homes for sale in Charlotte, along with Essex Fells real estate and home sales pricing data. Homes provided are current Essex Fells listings direct from the Carolina MLS. Calculations used on past Essex Fells home sales are for those that took place between January 1-April 23, 2010, 2009 and 2008. These statistics are all based on the market averages for single family residences in Essex Fells. Essex Fells Housing Market Report: January 1-April 23, 2010: Status # of Homes List Price Sold Price %SP/LP Days on Market Active 0 $, Pending 0 0 0 Status=SOLD # of Homes List Price Sold Price %SP/LP Days on Market 2010 1 $272,700 $272,000 100% 100 2009 0 $, $, % 2008 0 $, $, % Please note, our home search links will NOT work with AOL browsers. OUR LINKS ARE UPDAT...