Boone Area Hiking Trails - Glen Burney Falls
By Blowing Rock Real Estate Boone Real Estate
(Blowing Rock Investment Properties)
If you're in the Blowing Rock area and want a great half day moderate hike with a big pay off at the end, the Glen Burney trail is a great choice. Having lived in Blowing Rock for a few years, I knew about the trail but had never made the hike until recently. Depending on what kind of shape you're in, the trail is moderate to a little more than moderate. For me, hiking 3 weeks after having a baby, the trail was a bit much on the way back up, but I made it! The trail starts out fairly level, but the last third of it you're definitely hiking straight down towards the falls. The trail is 1.2 miles down to the Glen Burney Falls and then another .4 miles to the Glen Marie Falls. You end up descending about 800 feet below the town of Blowing Rock. There are several great places to have a pic...