How much is my home worth? The Jones', down the street sold their's for 450k, so mine should go for about that. How does your home relate to the Jones' home? Is it the same size? Does it have a 3 car garage like theirs? Was it built about the same time? Does it have the same updates and amenities? Is it in the same condition? I have a re-fi appraisal from 4 years ago that is more than you are telling me. A re-fi appraisal from 4 years ago is not an indication of today's value. For the most part, unless we have an appraiser's license, we Brokers are not appraisers, but an experienced broker can come pretty close to the true value of a home.Sellers just need to listen. This is what we do! The more inexperienced agent will pull the sales in a subdivision and go with the average price pe...