
Benton County, MO Real Estate News

By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
Whether you're a resident or a visitor, at the Lake of the Ozarks, there is always something happening.  Therefore, we thought it would be the perfect time to blog about the Easter celebrations that will be going on around Lake of the Ozarks this wonderful spring season. ·         Easter Brunch - April 12th at the Country Club Hotel & Spa, Lake Ozark.  For more information, call (573) 964-2222. ·         Easter Brunch - April 12th at the Resort at Port Arrowhead, Lake Ozark.  For more information, call (573) 365-2334. ·         Easter Brunch at HK's and Easter Egg Hunt - April 12th at the Lodge of Four Seasons, Lake Ozark.  For more information, call (573) 365-3000. ·         Easter Egg Hunt and Pictures with the Easter Bunny - April 12th at the Lake Ozark Christian Church, Lake Ozark. ...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
Spring is getting ready to spring upon us already.  We really can't believe how fast it has come.  But, nevertheless, it's here and it's time to do some Spring cleaning around the lake.  Therefore, the Lake of the Ozarks is calling upon its brave souls to help clean up the lake's shoreline. This year, the annual Shoreline Beautification Cleanup is scheduled from March 15 through April 15.  Adopt-the-Shoreline organization is seeking volunteers to help spruce up the lake in time for the summer swimming and boating season.  So far, there are over 600 volunteers expected to turn out, but there is always a need for more help. Clean up will consist of cleaning the shoreline, transporting floating material from the lake and stacking debris for later pickup.  Adopt-the-Shoreline provides all s...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
Tax season is here again and the AARP Tax/Aide will have several volunteers in the Lake of the Ozarks area to help prepare hundreds of federal and state tax returns for lake area seniors.  Lake area residents that make up to $50,000 can receive this free quality income tax assistance and tax form preparation. There are still 64 days left before the deadline date of April 15th.  However, people are already getting in line to get this free help from the AARP Tax/Aide.  There were over 1,300 federal returns and over 500 state tax returns filed by lake area residents last year alone who qualified for this free assistance. Taxes can get complicated for many of us, especially for those over the age of 60.  The tax laws, forms and qualifications change each year and can be very confusing.  AAR...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
A new access point to the lake will open at the end of January  in Lake of the Ozarks .  The new 78-acre Wigwam School Access will be located at mile marker 66.5 just across from Duncan 's Point.  The new access point is named after an early 20th century school that sat on the property before the area was dammed in 1931 to create the Lake of the Ozarks . The $1 million Wigwam Access will feature a two lane boat ramp, a lakefront weigh-in station, eighty-nine vehicle & trailer parking slots, handicapped parking, and public restrooms.  It's a big price tag for the lake community.  However, over 75% of the construction costs are reimbursable from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's program for increasing water access for lakes and rivers. The biggest problem the project has faced is the add...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
There is no better feeling than to feel safe.  And feeling safe in the community in which you live is a great feeling.  Over the past few years, Chief Mark Maples has revamped the police department in the Lake of the Ozarks .  During Chief Mark's first year he changed a lot of policies.  He began moving the department in a completely different direction than it had been going.  By changing things, Chief Mark made a lot of enemies in the department and lost several officers in the process.  Many officers went on to other departments and turnover was high for a short time. Before Chief Mark came on board, the Lake Ozark Police Department was acting as an island to surrounding agencies, where they depended on other agencies too much.  And Chief Mark wanted to fix that immediately.  He now ...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
This holiday season, many homeowners are trying to keep their heads above the rough waters of the housing market and our nation's economy.  So, there's no better time than now to share some tips that can help you have a debt free holiday. Begin by making a list of who you will buy for.  This will help you keep track of those you are buying for when shopping.  As you buy for someone on your list, mark them off.  There's nothing worse than buying five gifts for one family member and only two for another.  Also, set your spending limits for each person before you shop.  This will help you stay in your financial spending range without over-spending.  Sometimes you will find the perfect gift for someone and it's over your spending limit, but you can always lower the limit of someone else on ...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
Christmas and New Year's celebrations really bring out the best in people, especially in the Lake of the Ozarks residents.   To show just how much the community looks forward to these two celebrations, there will be several events taking place this month.  When we found out about these great events, we decided to compile a list and share them. Lake of the Ozarks is a tight knit community with wonderful residents, a good economy, awesome schools, and plenty of recreation.  So, if you are looking to relocate in the near future, come to Lake of the Ozarks during the Holiday season and you will see just how great it really is. Christmas Celebrations: ·         December 3 - Christmas Craft Party & Cookie Swap at the Camden County Museum . ·         December 4-6 - Christmas Play at the Sunris...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
If you are looking for some exciting events to do this 4th of July with your family and friends, come to the Lake of the Ozarks .  Festivities begin July 3rd and will last until July 4th.  Now that's a celebration!  The lake will  have many large displays of fireworks, so come to the Lake of the Ozarks and celebrate with us. Here's a list of Fireworks displays: July 3rd - Eldon Family Fun Day at Eldon Air Park in Eldon Fireworks Over the Water in Gravois Mills Arm Tan-Tar-A July 4th Fireworks at Tan-Tar-A Resort Golf Club and Spa in Osage Beach Independence Day Celebration Fireworks on the Water at Lodge of the Four Seasons in Lake Ozarks . 4th of July Spectacular at Morgan County Fairgrounds City Park in Versailles Fireworks Cruise on the Celebration - leaving dock from Kirkwood Lodge ...
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By Crist and Sharon Fanning
(Reece & Nichols Golden Key Realty)
What's new in LOTO (Lake Of The Ozarks) Missouri - The Fannings have joined the Blog World!  Now why on earth, do real estate agents in a resort community want to blog? For us it is the opportunity to "meet" new friends, share information on what we feel is the greatest real estate in the United States, Lake of the Ozarks, our home town and Benton County real estate in the great and beautiful State of Missouri.   By blogging we also are able to social network with our peers expanding our knowledge and expertise. Agents who are at the top of their field professtionally are those that step out of their comfort zones and take the next step forward. The Internet and blogging are part of the 21st Century and a newer part of the real estate industry.  It would be remiss of us not to go forwar...
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