Craziness - It Must Be the National Mood of the Country
By Ron Marshall, Birdhouse Builder Extraordinaire
(Marshall Enterprises)
You can’t get the government to agree on anything….and, apparently, you can’t get anyone else to, either. We had a pretty straight forward sale of some land, which admittedly had to be “quiet titled.” But that was taken care of years ago. Now, there is still a Lins Pendens out there for something that was well before we owned the land. And, the quiet title should have taken care of all that. One would think. You never know….and that is why it is imperative that you hire a good title company. Well, there I said it. And, this is my first post about real estate in all the years I have been here. Hire a Good Attorney and Hire a Good Title Company. Do the Research. Make sure that the people you are paying your money to know what they are doing. OR something as simple as a l...