Jason and Brooke Huerkamp are local Realtors and experts in Elko-New Market, MN. As residents of Elko-New Market, the Huerkamps have a pulse on all things Elko-New Market. Whether you are relocating to Elko-New Market, MN or you are a current resident, consider Jason and Brooke at Team Twin Cities, your local resource. Here are some great resources for Elko-New Market, MN. Our Elko-New Market Website - www.ElkoNewMarketHomes.com On this site you will find a wealth of information about living, working and playing in Elko-New Market. NextDoor - Elko-New Market Login to NextDoor Elko New Market and search for Elko-New Market. This forum is a great resource for posting and finding local information. Home Values in Elko-New Market We have two great tools you can use to find Home Values in El...