Real Estate -- The "Good Old Days" are over, but so are the "Bad Old Days"
By Mike Carlier, More opinions than you want to hear about.
The good old days of annual double digit real estate price increases are nothing but a memory. Also gone are the days of annual double digit price drops. Our real estate market has approached the point where there is a hint of stability, with much smaller fluctuations in value. While no predictions can be 100% accurate, all indications are that changes in either direction are more likely than not to continue to be less acute. Unlike the stock market, where volatility is becoming the norm, real estate prices tend to head much more deliberately in one direction or the other, or go nowhere. It seems that we are nearer Nowhere Land in the real estate market right now, and that's fairly comforting to folks who have been waiting for the ride to slow down before jumping on. Historically,...