This week there are 7 new listings in Garden City. All price ranges and sizes. Find yours today. To see this weeks new listings and find your new home click here Thinking of Selling? For a FREE no obligation Market Analysis of your home. Click here
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
A video of a neighborhood in Garden City Michigan and the look of regular style homes. Garden City is a nice community. If you have a Metro Detroit relocation in mind give me a call on my cell on (313) 310-9855.
For 24 Hour Information: 888-866-9430 x 29463 Quick Links Garden City Homes For Sale Wayne County Homes For Sale What Is Your Home Worth? See Property Details Call: 248-444-4340 for more information on this or any other property. Information valid for the date of this posting only. Please contact us for the most current information and status of this property. Visit Property Website Courtesy : JERRY DRESNER 248-444-4340 Large Brick Ranch, updated in & out. Remodeled kit (xtra maple cabs & ceramic flrs)'03. Updtd baths w/ceramic flrs. Mstr bdrm w/private bath. Huge Family Rm w/natl fireplace & computer alcove. Hrdwd flrs in liv, hall & bdrms. Finished bsmt (crpt & recessed lighting). Fenced bckyrd w/paver brick patio. 2 c gar w/opener & wkshp. Nicely l...
Schedule a Showing/Request Info Garden City Homes For Sale Wayne County Homes For Sale What Is Your Home Worth? KELLY ADKINS NATIONAL REALTY CENTERS, INC 734-320-4355 Information valid for the date of this posting only. Please contact us for the most current information and status of this property. 29554 JOHN HAUK STGARDEN CITY, MIScan with your smartphone & take me with you. Description Features Photos Maps & Local Schools Property Video For 24 Hour Information: 888-866-9430 x 29554 $ Click for current price3 BEDROOMS3 BATHROOMS (3 full) 1113 Square Feet STUNNING RANCH (1995) WITH FULL FINISHED BASEMENT ON 73X220 LOT, 3 BEDS, 3 FULL BATHS. SALE, COMMISSION AND TERMS SUBJECT TO 3RD PARTY APPROVAL. SELLER TO FURNISH C OF O, "AS IS" SALE, AMADA L2L...
402 CLAIR ST, Garden City Michigan 481353 Bedrooms/2Bathrooms1 Car Direct AccessFinished BasementYear Built: 1950MLS®: 211124756 For more info and pictures, go to: Great price for this brick ranch home on a corner lot. This home has been well cared for and is move-in ready! Updated windows, oak kitchen cabinets, finished basement with glass block windows, breezeway (three season porch), central air... make this sturdy home a bargain. Private owned home! So, if you are tired of waiting on a short sale or dealing with bank owned homes, then this home is for you. SELLER IS OFFERING UP TO 3% TOWARDS CLOSING COSTS!!
For 24 Hour Information: 888-866-9430 x 29554 Quick Links Garden City Homes For Sale Wayne County Homes For Sale What Is Your Home Worth? See Property Details Call: 734-320-4355 for more information on this or any other property. Information valid for the date of this posting only. Please contact us for the most current information and status of this property. Visit Property Website Courtesy : KELLY ADKINS 734-320-4355 STUNNING RANCH (1995) WITH FULL FINISHED BASEMENT ON 73X220 LOT, 3 BEDS, 3 FULL BATHS. SALE, COMMISSION AND TERMS SUBJECT TO 3RD PARTY APPROVAL. SELLER TO FURNISH C OF O, "AS IS" SALE, AMADA 29554 JOHN HAUK ST, GARDEN CITY, MI 48135 3 Bedrooms Bathrooms: 3 full List Price : Get Current Price Living Area Approx : 1113 I want to see this pro...
(Quality Home Investments, LLC / Dearborn Heights, MI)
City Park in Garden City, MI. Time to get ready for the summer. The city park in Garden City, MI has something for everyone. You can take the family out and spend the whole day out here. Located at the corner of Cherry Hill and Merriman rd, this park is FULL of amenities. Do you like to ice skate? There are different ice times for open skating, practice hockey and hockey leagues. The swimming pool has been covered for the winter and is awaiting the summer splash fun. There is a public pavilion with a fireplace that is available for rent. This site has hosted birthday parties, fund raisers, band contests, graduation parties and family reunions. There are numerous picnic tables and grills scattered throughout the park among the tall oak trees. Bring your charcoal and throw...
(Quality Home Investments, LLC / Dearborn Heights, MI)
Garden City, MI--Garden City High School Euchre Tournament. With today's economy, budget cuts and loss of taxes, more schools are looking for ways to raise money for students. Here is another unique opportunity for the Garden City, MI community to have a fun night out and support the local students. The high schools Project Graduation will be hosting a euchre night at the Maplewood Center in Garden City on February 26, 2011. Check in starts at 6-15 P.M. and the tournament starts at 7 P.M. There will be prizes for the top five highest point totals. There will be pizza, pop, a 50/50 raffle and gift basket raffles during the tournament. The cost is $20.00 per person. Players must be at least 21 years or older. No children are allowed. Pre-register at Seating is limite...
(Quality Home Investments, LLC / Dearborn Heights, MI)
Save up to $1.00 off per gallon of gasoline at your local Kroger store. Looking for savings on groceries and gasoline? The Kroger grocery store in Garden City,MI just recently opened a new fuel center. The fuel center will allow you to save up to $1.00 off per gallon of gasoline when you use your points accumulated on your Kroger card. These points are earned and added up during each month when you shop at your local Kroger store. You can earn a credit of .10 off per gallon of gasoline for every $100 purchase of groceries. Spend $200 and earn .20 off per gallon. Spend $500 and earn .50 off per gallon. There is a maximum allowed of $1.00 off per gallon. The points will carry over for two months then expire. Use them or lose them. Points rolled over or used are rounded to increments of 10...
If you or someone you know are behind on their mortgage payments and are in jepordary of losing their home, you may be eligible to do a short sale. I am a Certified CDPE, which means I am a Short Sale Specialist. I handle selling properties in all of Southeastern Michigan area. You may contact me confidentially! Thank you for your time. Francine Willingham Willingham Real Estate 734-564-7471
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
A recent situation in my office caused me to think about when we give out contractor referrals to our clients. This is my experience: A person I trusted as a leader in our office gave me a name of a heating & cooling guy when I needed one. Well I called Therma Cool Garden City and he said he would be out Friday. Well he didn't show up on Friday like he said, then he said he would be out over the weekend, He didn't show. Then he said he would get to it that week. Well Therma Cool Garden City didn't show all week. I called him after the Memorial Day weekend and he said he would be out Wednesday. Well I called Thursday when he didn't show again. Therma Cool said he would be out over the weekend. I said don't bother. They didn't sh...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
The reason there are so few foreclosures in South Eastern Michigan is because: 1.) Banks are trying to work out solutions with current home owners and renters. I have heard stories of renters being able to continue renting the foreclosed property for up to a year later. So instead of being sold as a foreclosure the renters are getting a chance to buy them or a few home owners are being able to work it out. 2.) Some banks have merged with other banks. Bank of America has gobbled up Countrywide. Wells Fargo has swallowed up other banks. But in this merger mania has come confusion. I personally know somebody that has a Countrywide loan that has not been foreclosed on after 2 years. He has lived in the house for 2 years free. Some banks I think don't have a clue where the properti...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
As a young person when should you buy a home? Should you buy when you first get a job? When you get married? My advice as one of the "older" generation is to enjoy life. If you have the ability to live at home for free, then buying a home may not be a smart idea. Maybe saving more for a down payment might be smarter. Sure right now is a great time to buy. We have homes that are at some of the lowest prices since before the 1990's in many parts of the country. In the Metro Detroit real estate market we are back to the 1980's prices. Interest rates are low and Uncle Sam is giving $8000 to you if you buy a home this year before April. All great reasons to buy a home right now. But so many people have been chas...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Your credit history is very important to lenders and mortgages in determining whether you get a loan. That is why your credit report is so important. A skilled lender is able to read what it means. A credit report shows how many accounts you have open, how much you owe, how long they have been open, what available credit is available. But the most important item is your actual payment history. How many times in the last two years have you been late on your accounts? Do you always pay on time? Do you let accounts go to collection? Have you had Bankruptcy, foreclosure, or judgements? These are the items that are important in determining whether you are credit worthy. This is what the lenders are looking at. The credit agencies then assign a credit score based on a formula the...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
I am noticing more and more foreclosures that are in bad shape. With Metro Detroit banks getting tougher with the appraisals. Appraisers are noting all the damage whether it is: roof that needs to be repaired missing light fixtures, drywall damage peeling paint That is putting more Metro Detroit foreclosure buyers in the position of fixing the home before they actually own it. They have to go and fix the roof, or put in the light fixtures before the deal has closed. It is a catch 22. You don't own the property, but you have to put money into it. It is a dangerous situation for the buyer. But you have to do it. The appraiser has to come back and make sure it is fixed and the bank isn't going to do it. You either do it or walk away from the house. Most Metro Detroit bank foreclosur...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
As a metro Detroit realtor I'm doing things I have never done before. And I admit I am breaking rules that many real estate agents around the country would take me to task for. And I admit that I sometimes am chicken to tell what I have done. I don't want to get into an argument about it. Right now I am busy but my philosophy has always been to work when there is work. With 2 of the 3 the major employers in the Detroit area possible going belly up... I admit I am very nervous about metro Detroit's future. I am nervous what will happen in our real estate market in the next year. So I am like a squirrel trying to put away all the nuts I can before the winter. In a few of Detroit's suburbs home values have fallen over 50%. That means every real estate agents income has dropped by th...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
As a real estate agent we have to deal with many different agents. Some are full time and some are part time. Some are great at their jobs and some don't know how to do it. There are all types but my job as an agent is to help you get your house deal closed. I tell a few stories of a few to illustrate my point. Let's call the first guy "Hubert" Hubert is about 70 years old. When ever I send documents over to Hubert I swear he falls asleep on them. I sent over a purchase agreement to Hubert on Monday night at 6 pm. Well Tuesday night a 7 pm Hubert calls me up and says the purchase agreement has not gone into the bank yet but he will get to it tomorrow. I have worked with Hubert on another house d...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Michigan Home Sellers Tips You will be getting ready to sign the closing papers in a week or two. Now is the time to be the "good neighbor". Now is the time to start sorting things to leave for the buyer of your home. Here is a list of things that you should be thinking about getting together for the buyer of your home.Keys - front door, back door, garage door, gate keys, shed keys Alarm code - write down the alarm code and contact information of the company that put in the security systemManuals - manuals for appliances, garage door openers, alarms systems, water softeners, home vacuum systems are all helpful for the new home buyers. They then know how to operate them.Association directory or association board members phone numbersRemotes- for the garage door, fireplace, or lig...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
The reason banks require an appraisal is to find a value for the home you are purchasing. Simply put the bank wants to makes sure there is enough collateral for the loan they are making. They don't want to loan $250,000 on a house only worth $205,000. What an licensed appraiser does, is look at all the recent sales within the last 6 months. The homes the appraiser will be looking at will be similar to yours in size, no# of bedrooms, bathrooms, or garage size. The add or subtract values if there are differences. If you home has 2100 square feet and the home that they are comparing to has 2400 square feet and sold for $250,000. They willtake off a dollar amount for the 300 square foot difference. They may say your house is only worth $220,000 if everything else was the same. Appra...
By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Michigan House Hunting As a real estate agents we do many things to help sell a home. But one of the most important things is to help the buyers see the complete home. To let the Michigan home buyer go through it without being rushed, distracted, or hurried. So one of my favorite things is to keep the kids occupied while the parents are looking. When a child is tugging on mom's arm, or crying it is hard for mom to look at the house. Lately I have had several families with kids. I am now loading my car with toys for the kids to play with. Sometimes it is as simple as swinging the kids on a swing while the parents are looking at the outside. Or rocking them in a chair. Here is one of my many satisfied customers. Can we write this Lazy Boy into the Purchase agreement? ...