Top Best Buy Homes East Grand Rapids Michigan ~ August 2009
By Terry & Bonnie Westbrook, Westbrook Realty - Grand Rapids Forest Hills MI Re
(Westbrook Realty Broker-Owner)
We have gathered a list of the top East Grand Rapids Houses to buy based on price per square foot. Please note that this list can change daily as some homes sell, prices are adjusted and other homes come on the market. Check back often or just subscribe to our blog to get up-to-date local real estate information that you want to know. The total square footage is noted here, although only the main floors are used to figure price per square foot. August 2009 BEST BUY East Grand Rapids Homes Lowest price/Sq Ft range from $75.61 to $139.10 Highest List Price - $349,900 Lowest List Price - $129,500 The Top East GR Homes to Buy by Price per Square Foot: 2735 Richards Dr $129,500 1400 Sq Ft $92.50/SqFt 630 Rosewood Ave $159,900 1862 Sq Ft $85.88/SqFt 1408 Edgewood ...