Real Estate Investors Enjoy the Networking and Vendor Tables almost as much as the Featured Speaker at the Mega Evening Event Club in Detroit, Michigan
By Mark Maupin See Blog Free Investors Training, National Real Estate Investors Network Host
(National Real Estate Network, LLC)
National Real Estate Network hosts vendors of many products and services for investors and small business owners to network with, all in one big room The National Real Estate Network has gained in popularity of real estate investing associations in South East Michigan. Mark Maupin offers a variety of topics for each month’s meeting, often listening to his members as they ask about the next event or when there will be a specific speaker or topic being discussed. “Many of my members have been asking about legal and accounting advice lately,” said Mark Maupin, “so I’ve invited a real estate attorney and a CPA to be on a panel of experts to answer questions at the next meeting.” Richard White, real estate, attorney, and noted author will be one of the members of the panel. Markwei Boye, acc...