New Investors in South East Michigan Benefit by Joining Real Estate Investor Clubs to Network with others and learn what Niche is Right for Them
By Mark Maupin See Blog Free Investors Training, National Real Estate Investors Network Host
(National Real Estate Network, LLC)
Mark Maupin has announced a new location for the monthly real estate investor group meetings; same time, still the 3rd Thursday of each month People from all over Metro Detroit, Michigan are saying the National Real Estate Network’s Mega Evening Event meetings are the best of all real estate club meetings. The information provided by the featured guest speaker at each meeting is great, but many people come for the networking with all the other vendors, regardless of who is speaking. “The speakers are great! But I also meet a lot of other business contacts during the networking hour before the speaker talks,” said Art Daniels, a member of NREN. The Mega Evening Event meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month. Up until June, they were at the Laurel Manor on Schoolcraft Road in Livo...