
Alto, MI Real Estate News

By Gary White~Grand Rapids Home Selling Pro Call: 616-821-9375, Real Estate Services You can Trust!
(Flexit Realty "Flexible Home Selling Solutions")
Who does the shopping?  Usually the wife in the traditional family unit.  Who do you think does most of the physical looking for a home?   Yup!  The wife.  They may both take turns looking on the Internet before they do their drive-by to see if the location, condition of the home and general appearance of the neighborhood looks like an area they would like to live.So being armed with this information do you think flowers will catch a woman's eye?  Yes even if she has none in her own yard!  Flowers will also give the home a whole new look.  Take advantage of every opportunity to use the psychology of the buyer to help you sell.  Proper lawns, trim and flowers will give you an inviting look.  All you are doing is getting yourself situated to be noticed more than a competitive home on the ...
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