The Adjustment Listing Selling Real Estate Working Around Coronovirus
By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
In rural Maine, the adjustment listing selling real estate working around coronovirus is easier. Less people, fewer problems is a big part of it.Being almost in Canada another benefit and away from the hot spots for the COVID 19. The past history of dealing with challenging winters and relying on our local economy warming up or cooling off depending on what happens out of state. We get used to simple living that is the most rewarding. The day to day is practical, common sense loaded and flying by the seat of your pants happens less. Maine people in small towns are down to Earth and have their heads screwed on straight.Maine. More hands on and self reliant small town living.Locals and vacationers definitely blessed with the ability to be outdoors all four season. To dig in and enjoy bein...