
Houlton, ME Real Estate News

By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
All of a sudden, a picturesque small Northern Maine town that is mild mannered, wholesome and law abiding becomes chaos. Helter skelter. Batton down the hatches, hoist the sail, we're going ashore. Oh oh. Pirates invade downtown Houlton  ME for Midnight Madness, a retailer's delight. The 4th of July is a big deal in small Maine local communities. Everyone, I mean everyone volunteers to help put the event on from the state agricultural fair's exhibits, horse and small animal judging to the parades, fireworks, rides and food provided to local and out of towners who meander in for the nation's birthday. Here's is a video snapshot of Houlton Maine's Midnight Madness and a glimpse of other parts of the four day 4th of July celebration. ME Realtor Andrew Mooers - Maine, Friendly People, Fewer...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Why Wait Until You Are 16 To Drive A Car. The Video For The Houlton Maine, Derby Hill Northern ME Soap Box Derby Race And We Saved You A Seat Track Side, Under A Tarp With Some Good Food, Friendly Race Fans And Local Community Aroostook/Penobscot/Washington County Family Sporting Fun! This Is One More Local Events That Draws Racers, Their Parents, Supporters From Two Hours Away To Experience "The Thrill Of The Hill!"   Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers - Maine Families Make Their Own Home Made Local Community Fun.Visit The Northern Maine Soap Box Derby Website!
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Fewer people in rural Maine means more involvement of those people to make their own fun. Home grown not store bought and way way more involvement in local Maine community events.  There are so many events that you have to pace yourself and be careful not to get over involved, over extended. But when you are planning to be at the local happening, might as well be part of putting it on is the motto of many hard working local Maine citizens that live and work in these smaller, off the beaten path towns. For example, this weekend, June 20th is the 14th Annual Northern Maine Soap Box Derby race. Houlton ME has its own Derby Hill specially engineered like the one in Akron Ohio at the All American Soap Box Derby event every kid dreams of being in. The Houlton ME event has led to success in Ak...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
     One new Houlton ME police officer from Southern Florida, the other from North Carolina and both say same thing. Where they came from, law enforcement was reactive...reacting to a crime here, there, all the time. In Maine, the 4th lowest crime state, both says law enforcement here is pro-active. They get into the schools for the DARE program, teach students police are not bad, or the enemy or someone to be afraid of or avoided.      There is a citizens academy where seminars on law enforcement and how the public can help are held in Houlton Maine. The participants of a citizen's group get certificates and understand better the job and challenges police officers have.      Where you have wall to wall people, crime comes with the territory as the population squeezes in, the traffic in...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
What is the local community like? Don't just tell them. Show them with local community videos of the area you peddle real estate in. Tell the 85% of folks who go on line to look for real estate, to search out and research a new area they know nothing about that you saved them the best seat in the house at the local events. Take them to school events, local sporting events, a tour of the downtown, a run down of the local banks, etc. Show them the local lakes, the video for all the local churches. Invite them into your canoe and take them down the annual spring races and serve them up a hot dog on the other end. Be friendly, be helpful, shoot - edit- post local community video. You the broker are the local tour guide, the guy or gal that lives here. Don't just write about, blog about, bra...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Why real estate for a job? What lead to this decision and how many years have your been listing, marketing, selling real estate? What's your story and do you have one to tell, share? Other cultures want you to sit down, tell them about you, your family so they can decide if they want to do business or not with you. Unlike the American way to whip out a contract, tap your fingers with impatience and keep looking at your watch to try your darndest to speed the process along because you are busy, on the clock. What is your story? Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
They did it, the class of 2009 of Houlton Maine High School made it together to graduation at the Millar Civic Center Thursday night for the ceremony at 7pm June 4th, 2009. You are front and center in the best seat in the house to witness the event, the speakers, the graduate, the party afterwards during Project Graduation at the Houlton ME lodge of Elks. Great job class..stick together and never forget your hometown classmates, friends, relatives and experience in Houlton Maine! Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers Maine, Get Here Just As Quick As You Can.
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
     What's an area built from, what are the schools like, how involved are the communities? This Maine Houlton High School Senior Last Chapel video helps show a glimpse of that.  Schools in small Maine towns are a vital part of the local community.      Parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors all take part in raising the youth whether thru little league, thru church, actual teaching or hiring them as workers.      A real estate broker in that small town shows the events that happen here on line with local community videos. Relatives many states away can take a peek at the events and feel connected, able to stay in touch. And folks considering moving here with children, can see how their kids will fit in, where they will be going to school, etc. Local Maine community videos are import...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Lots and lots of new car racers for the Northern Maine Soap Box Derby Race. Watch the movie highlights of the derby tech day, trial runs to get the drivers ready for the big race June 20th, 2009. Houlton Maine's race was the largest in the nation five years running. Kids in this 14th day of racing on our own engineered hill learn the "Thrill of the Hill. Visit the NMSBD website. Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers - Maine is local community minded folks who cherish families.
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Grand older Victorian homes, or Colonials from back during the revolution. Northern Maine's Aroostook County is relatively young with Joseph Houlton cruising in back around 1807. So the historic, older antique Maine homes label means different things here than say Boston Massachusetts where Plymouth Rock reminds locals of the age of the places.  Houlton Maine is on the historic register and the downtown Market Square has the original charm and layout. Many towns during the 1970's rejuvenation process removed the charm, replacing it with chrome and glass and now regret that decision. Quick spin to show a glimpse of Houlton Maine banks and the local area video. Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers - Maine Living Is Healthy, People Helpful, Scenery And Wildlife Plentiful.
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
   This past Saturday things were busy in small town Houlton Maine. Opening ceremonies for the Little League at the New Field Of Dreams Complex dedication, the local Meduxnkeag River Canoe Race started back in the 1960's, the 7th anniversary of the Southern Aroostook Farmer's Museum in Littleton Maine, and the Northern Maine Soap Box Derby fund raiser dinner at the Houlton Lodge of Elks. Yeah. Not much happens in a small Maine town. Right.      As Joe Broker, capture it, post it, get involved and share it with real estate buyers. They see it. May consider your area if you would just get it shot, edited, on line. Don't do it, and the neat place where you live is the best kept secret. Hop in the canoe. (Motioning) And here. Take this paddle and life vest while you are in the Maine canoe r...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Around Maine, river races are a celebration of spring and a by product of winter snow run offs. Since the 1960's, Houlton Maine has celebrated spring with a canoe race down the Meduxnekeag River. Originally Ricker College was the intiator of the race, then passed the paddle to the Houlton Rotary Club and now the Houlton Dollars For Scholars group origanizes the race. This year, 84 paddlers negotiated the river, the rapids and enjoyed a sunny spring day on the river for a good cause. Watch the highlights here in a Maine community video. Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers - Maine Living Is Simple, Healthy, Low Cost And Fun!
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By Matt Liistro, Your Credit Repair Expert
(National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro)
Expert Credit Repair in Houlton Maine National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street 4th Floor East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181 National Credit Fixers boasts of 12 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, judgments, repossessions, etc. we can help. We are the experts in credit restoration and credit repair.  Not sure how to fix your credit score?  Let us help.  We specialize in knowing how to fix bad credit.   We will help you excercise your rights under the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) to improve your credit rating.  In addition we will help you establish new "good" credit to help offset any deragatory information. Call us for your free evaluation!  :) ...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Rivers and streams in Maine swell to their liveliest levels with spring run off. This is the season for faster water and a time to throw the canoe or kayak up on the roof racks and spend some time on a Maine waterway. This weekend in Houlton Maine the annual Meduxnekeag River Race happens and all ages from all locations mecca to Houlton Maine to take part.       From recreational family paddlers to black belt way way serious kayakers...they all enjoy the water, the beginning of spring in Aroostook County. Other Maine river races have been happening too so you have many to pick from each year to fit your schedule. And you thought you were doing yard work this weekend right? For years the Houlton Rotary Club kept the race going after it was started by now closed Ricker College. The race ...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
     Thought by counting quickly in my head and mentally go up this street, down this one in a town of roughly 6700, that we had a dozen churches. That's quite a few but worship with your family, small town community values a big part of living in Maine. I was wrong about the church count, closer to fourteen in just Houlton. That ios religious freedom, tolerance and part of why Houton is the Music Town of Maine, kids grow up singing at church, listening to the McGill's Band in the park playing all summer long. That's why year after year, Houlton is first or second in show choirs, jazz bands and anything musical. Music, worship with your family a big part of living in Aroostook County, in Houlton Maine. Watch the video on Churches In Houlton Maine. Happy Easter! Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooe...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
    Sure you list, market, sell real estate in whatever way it takes. But you live in a town or city with lots of local events, community experiences. Don't keep them a secret or hog all the local flavor for yourself. Lights. Camera. Action. Bring your trusty video camera along when you take in the next state event that's in your venue. You are the host location for a major state tournament, festival, trade show, new development or success with lots of people pouring into your area which is an economic boon in motel, restaurant, gas sales.      The video coverage of the event you are at anyway is one more "thread" in the local fabric that you weave to show folks on the "outside" as they raise their periscope, doing sweeps back and forth on the net for places. Some may be relocating to t...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
     After a Maine winter, part of the renewal process of spring is planning to be in your local canoe race. Some trips down the local waterway are done by black belt kayakers pushing to beat their time of last season. Others a leisurely drift following the current with boatful of family glad to celebrate the annual tradition. In Houlton Maine, the Meduxnekeag River Canoe Race was started by Ricker College, taken over and guided for many years by the Houlton Rotary Club and in more recent years, the tradition kept alive by Peter Blood and Clint Cushman, two local high school teachers. Todd Willard and Malcolm Nesbitt have taken over the reins for most of the race details now. I called Peter the other day to find out the date for this year's event and his cell found him in Florida enjoyi...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
You own a pair of handcuffs? Chances are very good they came from Houlton Maine or Springfield, Massachusetts. Those are the manufacturing facilities for Smith & Wesson's handcuff operations. The six millionth pair of handcuffs was produced in my hometown of Houlton recently. And the town is so proud of the S&W brand.  Plant manager Terry Wade I know well and had sold a waterfront cottage to, snowsledded with and see alot at local Chamber of Commerce dinners, etc. He makes sure his brand is a big help to local projects and is a very good local partner to make the area strong. The Houlton operation started out with 18 people in 1966 and has grown to 150 today. Several moves in town along the way and now to an expanded industrial building at the Houlton Maine International Airport. S&W is...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
     Say you are an older couple retiring from a factory job in Connecticut. You may have been from Maine originally and went down to Pratt and Whitney, General Dynamics, Electric Boat and now coming home to small town country living. Safe, no traffic, low cost real estate, friendly people. And you like to play Bingo for one of your past times. It gets you out, you see people during the winter months, its is an easy social, low cost entainment. So show them the recreational events in your town, along with videos on the hospital, the police and fire, the 4th of Julys, etc. Not just homes.  Show them the area they may or may never have been to before. Here is a Houlton Rotary Club video of last night's annual event. Made money that the club gives back to the community in group study excha...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
    For years $250 an acre was a long standing benchmark when you bought a piece of Maine forty acres or larger. For the thousand acre chunks of acreage in Aroostook County the price per acre slid down as the price climb due to the higher the price, the thinner the buyers. Cut over woodland could be as low as $100 an acre because of remoteness, lack of power and in some case, lack of legal right of way access. The loggers worked out a temporary right of way to access the land, yard out the wood. Or so few people that no one seemed to notice the in and out usage of the road.  Eleven people per square mile live in Aroostook County, the largest of Maine's sixteen. Aroostook is the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined.      What affects the value of raw land? Features like the amou...
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