Currently 24840 Active ME Listings On The Maine Real Estate Information System MLS, 1735 Under Contract.
By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
The Maine Real Estate Information (MREIS) reports 24840 active listings on their server today. The Maine real estate market statistics show 1735 properties have a contract pending, with a buyer and seller waiting for a closing, satisfaction of contingencies like clear title, bank financing, possession. And only about a hundred other possible "sale depends on" to happen to get a clear to close. To turn the pending property sale in to a sold used by appraisers as evidence of what the market is doing as they put together valuation reports that reflect the current Maine real estate market. Since New Years day, January 1st, 2010 1430 new Maine real estate listings have come on the market. And 365 Maine real estate closings have happened since the beginning of 2010. Aroostook Co...