
Sunderland, MD Real Estate News

By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Sunderland, MD - May 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Sunderland neighborhood of Sunderland, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the May 2018 full market report of homes for sale in Sunderland, Sunderland MD.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in SunderlandIn the past 6 months, 12 properties have sold in Sunderland ranging from a 3-bed, 2-bath Detached for $139,100 to a 5-bed, 4-bath Detached for $685,000.Sunderland Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 6 months, which indicates the total number of months it would take for the current inventory to ...
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By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Sunderland, MD - April 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Sunderland neighborhood of Sunderland, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the April 2018 full market report of homes for sale in Sunderland, Sunderland MD.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in SunderlandIn the past 6 months, 11 properties have sold in Sunderland ranging from a 4-bed, 1.5-bath Detached for $285,000 to a 5-bed, 4-bath Detached for $685,000.Sunderland Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 11 months, which indicates the total number of months it would take for the current inv...
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By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Sunderland, MD - March 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Sunderland neighborhood of Sunderland, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the March 2018 full market report of homes for sale in Sunderland, Sunderland MD.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in SunderlandIn the past 6 months, 9 properties have sold in Sunderland ranging from a 4-bed, 1.5-bath Detached for $285,000 to a 5-bed, 4-bath Detached for $685,000.Sunderland Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (January) as compared to the 5-year February average. The market supply is 6 months, which indicates the total number of months it would take for the current inv...
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By Bonnie Augostino, The Difference is Crystal Clear
(Re/MAX 100)
Sunderland Summer Supper 2014 There are precious few weeks left before students in Calvert County head back to school.  The first day of the new year begins August 19th.  To celebrate the glory of the season, All Saints Episcopal Church will be hosting their Sunderland Summer Supper 2014 this Saturday, August 2nd in the Parish Hall. What: Sunderland Summer Supper 2014Where: All Saints Episcopal Church, Parish Hall (100 Lower Marlboro Rd)When: Saturday, August 2, 2014 3pm to 7pmCost: $20 ages 13+, $10 ages 6-12, FREE ages 5 and underContact: All Saints Episcopal Church (410) 257-6306 Everyone in Calvert County is welcome to attend the Sunderland Summer Supper 2014.  There will be tons of fantastic food offerings on the menu, including homemade crab cakes, fried chicken, ham and so much m...
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By Bonnie Augostino, The Difference is Crystal Clear
(Re/MAX 100)
Southern Maryland Christmas Market Can you believe we're only two weeks away from Christmas Eve?  There are just 14 shopping days left to take care of all the gifts on your Christmas list.  I know a great place to you can go this weekend to buy one-of-a-kind items for your loved ones and maybe even pick up a little something for yourself...the Southern Maryland Christmas Market in Sunderland. What: Southern Maryland Christmas MarketWhere: All Saints Episcopal Church (100 Lower Marlboro Rd, Sunderland)When: Friday, December 13, 2013 10am to 4pmAdmission: FREEContact: Christine Pierce via email Aunt Harriet likes jewelry.  Cousin Darla is into art.  Uncle Joe is always hard to shop for.  Even grandma can be pretty particular about her likes and dislikes.  No matter what you need to finish...
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By Dr. Stacey-Ann Baugh, A doctor who makes house calls.
(Century 21 New Millennium)
The fourth annual Calvert Wine & Arts Fest will be held on Saturday May 14, 2011 from 11am - 6pm.  The festival will be held on the grounds of All Saint Parish Episcopal Church at the corner of Routes 2 & 4 in Sunderland, MD. Calvert Counties 5 wineries will be present for patrons to taste their wines. Artists specializing in pottery, jewelry, wood carving, sculpting, rug making, and many others will be present. In addition to the wine and the arts there will be many other activities including musicians, dancers, and tours of the historic 1692 church. The Calvert Wine & Arts Fest benefits the All Saints Parish's community projects.
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THIRD ANNUAL CALVERT WINE & ARTS FEST Date:  Saturday, May 8, 2010 Time:  11am to 6pm Location: All Saints Episcopal Church Address:  100 Lower Marlboro Rd, Sunderland, MD 20689 Calvert County artisans will be featured at the third annual Calvert Wine and Arts Fest, Saturday, May 8th, from 11 am to 6 pm, sponsored by All Saints Episcopal Church and the Southern Maryland Folk Arts Center. The fest will be on the Church grounds at the corner of Routes 2 and 4, Sunderland, MD. This juried show will feature some of the best artisans in Calvert, St. Mary's and Charles Counties, as well as other fine craftsmen.  Included will be Calvert County's five wineries: Cove Point, Solomons Island, Friday's Creek, Perigeaux and Running Hare. Guests wishing to taste the wines will receive a commemorati...
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1ST EVER "ST. PITTIES DAY" PARTY - SPONSORED BY THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF CALVERT COUNTY   ST. PITTIES DAY PARTY Location:  Fishing Creek Kennel Address: 2210 Dalrymple Road, Sunderland, MD 20689 Get Directions County:  Calvert Date:  March 21, 2010 Time:  noon to 4PM                                                                                                          On March 21st, the HSCC will be holding it's first ever St   Pitties Day Party. It will be held at Fishing Creek Kennel in Sunderland, Maryland from noon to 4pm. Of course they will have all dog breeds there with a focus on the Pitties! Stop by for food, and fun for the whole family!                                                                                                                                               ...
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VALENTINES DAY KURANDA DOG & CAT BED FUNDRAISER Valentines Day Kuranda Dog & Cat Bed Fundraiser When: Sunday, February 28, 2010 Where: On the Web or call 800-752-5308 Why not give a gift that will bring comfort to a homeless pet (or two) for years! By donating a Kuranda dog bed to a homeless dog you will provide a dry, soft, comfortable place for them to sleep during their time at the shelter. The Humane Society of Calvert County is also in need of the new Kitty Towers that Kuranda has created. Donate a bed in your name, or send one as a gift in the name of a friend or family member. Kuranda will mail a personalized Gift Card acknowledgement directly to them from you. To donate, please visit: Kuranda to Donate a Dog or Cat Bed or call 800-752-5308. Please specify that you would like to ...
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By Jen Anderson
(Exit By the Bay Realty)
Being one of the smallest population zip codes in Calvert, Sunderland had 1 settlement.  With 20 properties on the market, there is a 20 month inventory. Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, Inc.   ZIP Code Statistics - <$100K to >$5M Format ZIP Code: 20689 Sunderland, MD From: 05/01/2009 to 05/31/2009                Statistics generated on: 06/08/2009   ResidentialUnit SalesNumber of Bedrooms Active Listings   Time on Market Price Class 2 Or Less   3 4  or More   CondoCoop GroundRent Residential   CondoCoop GroundRent of Units Sold(No. of Units) Under $100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -30 Days 0 $100,000 - 149,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31-60 Days 0 $150,000 - 199,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 - 90 Days 0 $200,000 - 249,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91-120 Days 0 $250,000 - 299,999 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Over 120 Day...
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