
Rockville, MD Real Estate News

By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
KING FARM, LUXURY HOMES, WALKING TO SHOPPING, WALK TO THE PARK, WALK TO METRO.YES, walk to METRO from King Farm.  There are not many communities within walking distance of the Shady Grove Metro.  But, for owners of homes in King Farm, the 1/2 mile walk to Metro adds value to their home.KING FARM, a residential community in Rockville, Maryland.  Remember the "King Farm" barn?  For many years, as we drove along Rockville Pike we would see the big white barn with "KING FARM" painted on the roof visible from the road.  Year after year as residential developments came to the area, we knew it had been permitted for a PUD, Planned Unit Development and just waited and watched.  Then in about 10 years ago, the first signs of construction went up with a couple of construction roads, a few sales t...
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By Tom Brannigan
(Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc)
New advantages for the 2007 tax year make mortgage insurance an attractive alternative to second loans. Brand new legislation, approved by Congress in December 2006, now allows for 100% deductible mortgage insurance (MI), to those who qualify.This increases the buying power for thousands of consumers who are unable to come up with the traditional 20% down payment: •Effective for the 2007 tax year on loans closed on or after January 1, 2007•Applicable to households with adjusted gross income <$100,000 •Simplified mortgage process - only one loan needed! Now, just like second loans, mortgage insurance is tax deductible. But, unlike second loans, there's no potential payment increase with MI. The new legislation is expected to save nearly one million Americans a total of $91 million when t...
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By Alan Stevens
  Well, the elections are over and much to many people’s chagrin, the bond market did not explode, we did not see a rise in interest rates as a result of the Democratic win in mid- term elections , It is even possible to see a return to mortgage rates of 6% in the near future.  Maybe even high 5% range. There is however one topic I am very concerned about – a mortgage credit spiral.  Those with greatest exposure to this event will be those buyers who entered the market with poor credit, little money down and mortgages with adjustable rates or negative amortization payments that will mature and spiral out of control. Recently, a client called me in a panic.  He had received notice from his bank that his checking account was overdrawn.  Upon careful examination, he learned that his mortg...
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By Alan Stevens
My name is Alan Stevens.  I am a senior loan officer and vice president of Trustworthy Mortgage Corporation.   My mission is to provide the most suitable and cost effective residential mortgage products to homeowners and homebuyers and to act as a trusted financial advisor to my clients and partners.  I am committed to providing professional advice, consultation, and direction to my customers, to educate them in all aspects of the home financing process and to comply with all state and federal regulations governing loan origination. I support continued growth and responsible homeownership. It is a goal that is shared by the real estate and mortgage banking industries and is enthusiastically supported by my company.In addition to being a senior loan officer, I am also a sales trainer and...
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