The below listed Rockville FHA APPROVED condominium listings in Montgomery County Maryland are all the active listings for sale in the MRIS as of today. This is a keyword search, and sometimes you will also see homes listed from other areas. Whenever you check back you will be updated with the latest listings, as the below link is updated daily. 10101 Grosvenor Park Bentley Place Midtown Bethesda North The Gables at Tuckerman White Flint Station Old Georgetown Estates - Wickford - Bentley Place - Gables of Tuckerman Lane- Georgetown Village - Walnut Grove condo - Woodmont Springs - Walter Johnson High School - Tilden middle - Farmland elementary - Seven Locks Road - Tuckerman Lane - Strathmore Hall - The Sterling at the Met condos - Midtown .com condos - Old Farm - Montrose Vill...