Looking for a Career in Real Estate in Frederick County
By Bob Carney, Licensed MD/PA Real Estate Agent
(Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales)
Looking for a Career In Real Estate in Frederick County MD 1512 Ridgeside Dr, Mt Airy, MD 21771 Click to View Show Any more it seems that everyone you meet in Frederick County is either in Real Estate or has been in Real Estate. Why is that? For the most part everyone thinks it’s easy money. All that commission you get to keep!!! First of all it’s not all that easy and definitely not a lot of money when you are trying to run your own business. The broker gets a piece, the goverment gets a piece, etc… We have seen a continuous exodus to the industry since the market has slowed down and this is not a bad thing… plenty of folks got into this industry and really shouldn’t have in the first place. Good people, but just not made for real estate. It comes with a lot of responsibility to wear ...