
Mount Airy, MD Real Estate News

By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Village Gate | Mount Airy, MD - January 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Village Gate neighborhood of Mount Airy, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the January 2018 full market report of homes for sale in Village Gate, Mount Airy MD.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Village GateIn the past 6 months, 5 properties have sold in Village Gate ranging from a 4-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $400,000 to a 4-bed, 3-bath Detached for $479,900.Village Gate Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (December) as compared to the 5-year January average. The market supply is 0 months, which indicates there are currently no homes on...
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By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Townhomes for Sale in Village Of Tall Oaks | Mount Airy, MD - January 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Village Of Tall Oaks neighborhood of Mount Airy, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the January 2018 full market report of townhomes for sale in Village Of Tall Oaks, Mount Airy MD.Highest and Lowest Sold Townhomes in Village Of Tall OaksIn the past 6 months, 5 properties have sold in Village Of Tall Oaks ranging from a 3-bed, 2.5-bath Townhomes for $213,000 to a 3-bed, 2.5-bath Townhomes for $249,900.Village Of Tall Oaks Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (December) as compared to the 5-year January average. The market sup...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Last week (1/1 – 1/7/18) in Mt. Airy Md.  21771 Detached homesLast week (ending 1/7/18) 5 existing detached homes in Mt Airy Md. zip code were added to the market for sale, 2 went under contract, and 0 completed the sales process. This brings the count to 74 homes on the market for sale, 43 under contract and 17 completing the sales process in the last 30 days. ­­Those still on the market for sale range from $149,000 to $2,600,000, with the median being $566,450  The last known list price of those currently under some form of contract ranges from $188,650 to $1,200,000, with the median being $470,000.  Those that did complete the sales process in the last 30 days have sold between $200,000 and $ 589,500, with the median being $351,000.  This report covers only existing detached home in ...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – December 17, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (12/17/17) not including new construction 86 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 47 under contract, and 16 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 5.38 which is considered a sellers marketWhile the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 11.39 acres, the median is 1.34 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeCurrently, there is 1 two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy.  The current list price of this home is $188,650 after being on the market for 2 months (60 days).Currently, there is 1 two-bedroom existing detached home under some form ...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – December 6, 2017 – Mount Airy, Md. 21771 – TownhousesThis is a market report for townhouse in Mount Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (12/6/17) there are 4 such homes on the market FOR SALE, another 10 under contract, and 1 that has sold in the last 30 days.  The resulting absorption rate (Acitve/1 Month Sold) give us a 4 month inventory clearly an indicator of a sellers market. Two BedroomsThere no two-bedroom townhouses in the Mount Airy zip code currently on the market for sale.There are 2 two-bedroom townhouses in this market currently under contract. The last known list price of theses homes being $199,900 being on the market for 2.5 months (76 days) and $230,000 after being on the market for 1 weeks (7 days)In the last 30 days, no two-bedroom townhouse in...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – November 28, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (11/28/17) not including new construction 94 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 42 under contract, and 14 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 6.71 which is considered a normal marketWhile the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 11.39 acres, the median is 1.36 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeCurrently, there is 1 two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy.  The current list price of this home is $188,650 after being on the market for 1.5 months (41 days.Currently, there are 2 two-bedroom existing detached home under some form...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Nov. 16, 2017 – Mount Airy, Md. 21771 – TownhousesThis is a market report for townhouse in Mount Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (11/16/17) there are 4 such homes on the market FOR SALE, another 9 under contract, but none that have sold in the last 30 days.  The resulting absorption rate (Acitve/1 Month Sold)  is clearly an indicator of a sellers market. Two BedroomsThere no two-bedroom townhouses in the Mount Airy zip code currently on the market for sale.There are 2 two-bedroom townhouses in this market currently under contract. The last known list price of theses homes being $199,900 being on the market for 2.5 months (76 days) and $230,000 after being on the market for 2 weeks (12 days)In the last 30 days, no two-bedroom townhouse in Mount Airy has succes...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – October 26, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (10/26/17) not including new construction 110 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 34 under contract, and 18 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 6.11 which is considered a normal marketWhile the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 67.63 acres, the median is 1.35 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeCurrently, there are 2 two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy.  The current list prices of these homes range from $197,500 having been on the market for 1 week (8 days) to $249,900 being new to the market (1 day).Currently, there are ...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Oct. 26, 2017 – Mount Airy, Md. 21771 – TownhousesThis is a market report for townhouse in Mount Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (10/26/17) there are 7such homes on the market FOR SALE, another 2 under contract, and 5 that have sold in the last 30 days.  The resulting absorption rate (Acitve/1 Month Sold) of 1.40 clear indicator of a sellers market. Two BedroomsThere is 1 two-bedroom townhouse in the Mount Airy zip code currently on the market for sale.  This home is listed at $219,900 and has been on the market for 2 month (58 days).There are no two-bedroom townhouses in this market currently under contract.In the last 30 days, 1 two-bedroom townhouse in Mount Airy successfully completed the sales process. This home sold for $320, 000 after being on the mark...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Last week (10/2 – 10/8/17) in Mt. Airy Md.  21771 Detached homesLast week (ending 10/9/17) 9 existing detached homes in Mt Airy Md. zip code were added to the market for sale, 0 went under contract, and 2 completed the sales process. This brings the count to 111 homes on the market for sale, 23 under contract and 27 completing the sales process in the last 30 days. ­­Those still on the market for sale range from $159,000 to $2,600,000, with the median being $500,000  The last known list price of those currently under some form of contract ranges from $247,000 to $639,900, with the median being $399,900.  Those that did complete the sales process in the last 30 days have sold between $126,000 and $ 740,000, with the median being $399,900.  This report covers only existing detached home i...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Oct. 02, 2017 – Mount Airy, Md. 21771 – TownhousesThis is a market report for townhouse in Mount Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (10/2/17) there are 7such homes on the market FOR SALE, another 6 under contract, and 3 that have sold in the last 30 days.  The resulting absorption rate (Acitve/1 Month Sold) of 2.33 clear indicator of a sellers market. Two BedroomsThere is 1 two-bedroom townhouse in the Mount Airy zip code currently on the market for sale.  This home is listed at $219,900 and has been on the market for 1 month (34 days).There is 1 two-bedroom townhouse in this market currently under contract.  The last known list price of the home is $324,900 after being on the market for 3 months (90 days).No two-bedroom townhouse in Mount Airy has successfully ...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – October 2, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (10/2/17) not including new construction 104 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 29 under contract, and 25 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 4.16 which is considered a normal marketWhile the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 67.63 acres, the median is 1.37 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeCurrently, there is 1 two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy.  This home is currently listed at $235,000 and has been on the market for approaching 1 week (4 days).Currently, there is 1 two-bedroom existing detached home under some form...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Sept. 18, 2017 – Mount Airy, Md. 21771 – TownhousesThis is a market report for townhouse in Mount Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (9/18/17) there are 8 such homes on the market FOR SALE, another 6 under contract, and 3 that have sold in the last 30 days.  The resulting absorption rate (Acitve/1 Month Sold) of 2.67 clear indicator of a sellers market. Two BedroomsThere are 2 two-bedroom townhouses in the Mount Airy zip code currently on the market for sale.  These homes at  listed at $219,900 after being on the market for 3 week (20 days), and $334,900 and has been on the market for 3 months (87 days).There are no two-bedroom townhouses currently under any form of contract and none that have successfully completed the sale process in the last 30 days. Three Be...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Sept. 15, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (9/15/17) not including new construction 106 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 36 under contract, and 27 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 3.93 which is considered a sellers market, but very close to s normal marketWhile the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 67.63 acres, the median is 1.37 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeCurrently, there are no two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy.Currently, there is 1 two-bedroom existing detached home under some form of contract in Mount Airy, Md.   The last known list price of thi...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Last week (9/3 – 9/9/17) in Mt. Airy Md.  21771 Detached homesLast week (ending 9/9/17) 13 existing detached homes in Mt Airy Md. zip code were added to the market for sale, 1 went under contract, 1 completed the sales process. This brings the count to 103 homes on the market for sale, 39 under contract and 27 completing the sales process in the last 30 days. ­­Those still on the market for sale range from $269,900 to $2,600,000, with the median being $499,900  The last known list price of those currently under some form of contract ranges from $160,000 to $899,900, with the median being $399,900.  Those that did complete the sales process in the last 30 days have sold between $230,000 and $ 868,705, with the median being $439,000.  This report covers only existing detached home in the ...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Sept. 5, 2017 – Mount Airy, Md. 21771 – TownhousesThis is a market report for townhouse in Mount Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (9/5/17) there are 5 such homes on the market FOR SALE, another 6 under contract, and 3 that have sold in the last 30 days.  The resulting absorption rate (Acitve/1 Month Sold) of 1.67 clear indicator of a sellers market. Two BedroomsThere are 2 two-bedroom townhouses in the Mount Airy zip code currently on the market for sale.  These homes at  listed at $219,900 after being on the market for 1 week (7 days), and $334,900 and has been on the market for 2.5 months (74 days).There are no two-bedroom townhouses currently under any form of contract and none that have successfully completed the sale process in the last 30 days. Three Bed...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Sept. 02, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (9/2/17) not including new construction 96 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 40 under contract, and 30 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 3.20 which is considered a sellers market. While the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 67.63 acres, the median is 1.18 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeCurrently, there are no two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy.Currently, there is 1 two-bedroom existing detached home under some form of contract in Mount Airy, Md.   The last known list price of this is $279,000 and has been on the m...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Aug 20, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (8/20/17) not including new construction 101 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 44 under contract, and 38 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 2.66 which is considered a sellers market. While the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 32.53 acres, the median is 1.14 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeThere is currently 1 two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy.   This home is currently listed t $279,000 and has been on the market for 2 weeks (16 days).There are no two-bedroom detached homes in Mount Airy under contract at this time.I...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – Aug 1, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (8/1/17) not including new construction 101 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 49 under contract, and 45 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 2.24 which is considered a sellers market. While the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 67.63 acres, the median is 1.20 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeThere are currently no two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy. There is 1 two-bedroom detached homes in Mount Airy under contract at this time. The last known list price of this homes is $229,999 and it was on the market for 3 months (95 ...
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By Bob Force (REALTOR®), The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate
(Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill)
Today’s View – July 9, 2017 – Mt. Airy, Md. 21771 – Detached HomesThis is a market report for detached homes in Mt. Airy, Md. 21771.  At the time of this report (7/9/17) not including new construction 93 such homes are on the market FOR SALE, another 69 under contract, and 46 have sold in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 2.02 which is considered a sellers market. While the minimum lot size is just .12 acres and the maximum lot size is 67.63 acres, the median is 1.14 acres.  Two Bedrooms HomeThere are currently no two-bedroom existing detached homes on the market for sale in Mount Airy. There are 4 two-bedroom detached homes in Mount Airy under contract at this time. The last known list price from a low of $209,000 to a high of $524,000, with the median being...
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