Credit Score Knowledge Eases Getting a Loan
By Roberto Gonzalez, Hagerstown Commercial Real Estate
(RG Realty Inc)
Credit Score Knowledge Eases Getting a Loan Whether Hagerstown residents are looking for a home equity line of credit, a refi, or a new mortgage, when it comes to getting a loan, everyone knows that it’s the credit score that ultimately determines the outcome. Yet when it comes to a working knowledge of what major factors affect your score, a new survey shows that many of us are less certain than we should be. The Consumer Federation of America is a nonprofit outfit that from time to time releases reports designed to improve that situation. Their latest is a sort of report card on how much average adults understand about credit scoring — the key factor in getting a loan of any kind. On the plus side of the report card, CFA says that people who have obtained one or more of their own cred...