New Mashpee Rotary - COMMENT NOW to 12-23-19
By Associate Broker Falmouth MA Cape Cod Heath Coker, Heath Coker Berkshire Hathaway HS Robert Paul Prop
New Mashpee Rotary - COMMENT NOW to 12-23-19There will be a New Mashpee Rotary - COMMENT NOW to 12-23-19 ! The Cape Cod Commission (CCC) has had meetings already and is now in the Comment Period for the plans for the New Mashpee Rotary. The comment period ends December 23, 2019.There appear to be a few "options" that are possible. One just has better painted lines. Another has a "flyover" the center of the rotary. The third makes the center landscape circle smaller and appears to widen the roadway and lanes. You can see the plans for the New Mashpee Rotary online at . (It is a slide ...